1. No we will not shut up. Just bc it’s normal in manga doesn’t mean it’s A. Fun to read or B. Immune to being called out
2. Ppl are bringing this up not just bc it exists but bc it’s like the only plot point. Basically the only thing going on in this manga is a guy being convinced to have sex in a way he doesn’t want to… by forcefully having sex w him. That’s boring and annoying. In my exp, ppl would say if the story was good besides any noncon dubcon or rape, but all this had going for it besides that was good art
3. Idgaf who you are, but don’t speak for a whole group of ppl by saying it’s normal for them to say no and get fucked anyway. That type of thing is why victims in these countries are less believed.

sighs im honestly lazy to argue . u guys can read the bl and say whatever u want u have freedom to that sure . but i find it stupid that people well bring fiction and reality to clash . and it is normal for them to say no "IN MOST BL " they did mention him being a masochist. also if u guys wanna complain on a illegal site like ur doing justice go ahead not like anyone is forcing u to read the bl right. if u want to stop r*ape in bl im sure here the best place to do that.
its very normal ( no i will not define normal ) for japanese people to be like "no " ( i wont define no as well ) in saying they dont want S*x when they actually want it . also he never said he didnt wanna do it, he just wanted to be the top pft