fuk da club up December 15, 2023 3:45 am

I’m ready for chapter 94 so I can finally obliterate all the yawhi stans with one chapter.

    nami ♡ December 15, 2023 9:08 am

    Wow, so attacking real people over a fictional character is something to flex about? I hope you get better soon

    <33 December 15, 2023 12:26 pm

    What in the pettiness is this?
    People have the right to like whoever they like.
    You’re just embarrassing yourself.

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 1:55 pm
    What in the pettiness is this?People have the right to like whoever they like.You’re just embarrassing yourself. <33

    hm. replying to someone’s comment basically try to excuse liking an assaulter feels real embarrassing to me don’t ya think?

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 2:00 pm
    Wow, so attacking real people over a fictional character is something to flex about? I hope you get better soon nami ♡

    how am I attacking real people, who specially? SA apologists? People with your mindset that I’m “attack real people” don’t exist outside the internet cause they know right from wrong (which yes is a flex) so I hope YOU get better soon no shade sweetie <3

    <33 December 15, 2023 4:10 pm
    hm. replying to someone’s comment basically try to excuse liking an assaulter feels real embarrassing to me don’t ya think? fuk da club up

    Again people can like who they want. Mind you that Cain did some things that weren’t alright too. So both aren’t perfect. There’s no need to come at people for fictional characters.

    idkwtv December 15, 2023 5:29 pm

    REAALLLLL don't let them silence you!! you're so real for this!!

    nami ♡ December 15, 2023 5:59 pm
    how am I attacking real people, who specially? SA apologists? People with your mindset that I’m “attack real people” don’t exist outside the internet cause they know right from wrong (which yes is a fle... fuk da club up

    Honey, start separating fiction from reality. They are fictional characters, not real people. It's dense asf to think a person is a certain way from liking a drawing. Should we assume the author is a toxic SA assaulter because she created a drawing that committed such actions? No, right? Should we assume you're toxic for liking a guy that is clearly toxic and manipulative as well? No, they're fictional characters and whatever their actions, they never hurt anyone in real life. This manhwa was created for entertainment purposes, not for people to disrespect each other for having different opinions and points of view. Have a nice day, honey

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 6:13 pm
    Again people can like who they want. Mind you that Cain did some things that weren’t alright too. So both aren’t perfect. There’s no need to come at people for fictional characters. <33

    sure people can like who they want but not say what they want? Does it actually seem like I’m gonna obliterate every yawhi stan? My clearly satirical joke shouldn’t be taken so seriously.

    <33 December 15, 2023 6:25 pm
    Honey, start separating fiction from reality. They are fictional characters, not real people. It's dense asf to think a person is a certain way from liking a drawing. Should we assume the author is a toxic SA a... nami ♡


    <33 December 15, 2023 6:31 pm
    sure people can like who they want but not say what they want? Does it actually seem like I’m gonna obliterate every yawhi stan? My clearly satirical joke shouldn’t be taken so seriously. fuk da club up

    I am aware that you can't obliterate every yahwi Stan. However, a lot of people receive death threats bc they are a yahwi stan. So even if it was meant to be a joke, it clearly wasn't a funny one. But you do you ofc.
    Anyways, im definitely not here to fight. Have a good day :)

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 6:42 pm
    Honey, start separating fiction from reality. They are fictional characters, not real people. It's dense asf to think a person is a certain way from liking a drawing. Should we assume the author is a toxic SA a... nami ♡

    “Separate fiction from reality” “ Never hurting anyone in real life” Sure they’re not hurting anyone in real life! But they are creating a stigma about SA culture in real life. Saying you like yawhi and want him to end up with jooin is clearly seeing past the multiple chapter(S) that yawhi has done those things to jooin (I can get receipts if needed). This MAY create a more glamorized outlook on SA for people who have never experienced any form of assault in real life. And what makes it even worse is that it was used as a plot device in this story for Yawhi and Jooin to become closer to each other as jooin saw it in his dream I think which is a horrible way to connect characters. I’ve been with this story since the beginning and my hate for yawhi has spanned years and maturity levels so I’m not gonna start liking him now. On that note is this not a story LET ALONE A LOVE TRIANGLE if I’m not suppose to sympathize with someone and pick a side just like you? If I want to like Cain I can cause what are you gonna do? Track my ip cause I say some words about your little kitty cat? Like you said “this manhwa was created for entertainment purposes” if you want to call it that instead of a headache be my guest <3

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 6:43 pm
    REAALLLLL don't let them silence you!! you're so real for this!! idkwtv


    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 6:47 pm
    I am aware that you can't obliterate every yahwi Stan. However, a lot of people receive death threats bc they are a yahwi stan. So even if it was meant to be a joke, it clearly wasn't a funny one. But you do yo... <33

    oh well I’m not one of those type of people! People who send death threats have nothing better to do and should rot. Sorry if you didn’t find my joke funny, I know some people are but they just have some different options that probably align closer to mine. You’re all good I actually liked our convo. Have a good day!!

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 6:50 pm
    oh well I’m not one of those type of people! People who send death threats have nothing better to do and should rot. Sorry if you didn’t find my joke funny, I know some people are but they just have some di... fuk da club up


    nami ♡ December 15, 2023 7:07 pm
    “Separate fiction from reality” “ Never hurting anyone in real life” Sure they’re not hurting anyone in real life! But they are creating a stigma about SA culture in real life. Saying you like yawhi a... fuk da club up

    Bro, chill. In what part of my statement I said I wanted Yahwi to be the endgame? Also, when did I say you can't like Cain? I like Yahwi as a character not because of his actions, I never defended him or excused him, not all Yahwi stans are like this. You can appreciate a character's aesthetic and development without supporting their actions, again, they're fictional. The author's intention it's not to "glamorize" SA. It would be that way if Yahwi had no self development and Jooin would've chose him regardless. I'm sure what the author wanted to portray was a character that didn't give himself time to heal from traumatic experiences and proceeded to harm the only person that mattered to him. The consequence? Losing him. Is that glamorizing SA to you? When the author has bit by bit shown her audience that it's not okay and it has consequences? As for liking Cain, obviously, I never said you couldn't like him or it's wrong to like him, I just stated that since you assume how a Yawhi stan thinks and behaves it was alright to do the same with a Cain stan when it's not. Also, my intention it's not to make Cain stans like Yahwi, it's to respect each other mutually, their points of view and opinions, since all I've seen in this comment section is a slander to real people over fictional men. They're and will always be fictional characters

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 7:24 pm

    I’m not sayin the author is glamorizing assault, I’m saying that people reading this could glamorize it in their own eyes if they haven’t dealt with anything like that. And sure Yawhi could apologize all he wants to but it couldn’t excuse his past actions in the eyes of the readers which ultimately creates the whole reason people hate yawhi . We could say the same about seungho from painter of the night but that’s a completely different story. Also you could have said that you wanted me to respect each character mutually in the first comment and I could have agreed because I’m not saying Cain hasn’t done anything wrong he is just the lesser of two evils. Also jooin isn’t perfect like people say he is. All of them need therapy. But to come at me just because I said something you didn’t like about a character that a lot of people dislike is a waste of time. I literally can’t obliterate people bro so..

    nami ♡ December 15, 2023 7:48 pm
    I’m not sayin the author is glamorizing assault, I’m saying that people reading this could glamorize it in their own eyes if they haven’t dealt with anything like that. And sure Yawhi could apologize all ... fuk da club up

    I know you can't, but like a previous commenter stated, since Yahwi stans tend to receive death threats and slander, I just misunderstood your comment by thinking you were one of those people. I understand your point and agree with the fact that some can't forgive his actions, which is completely understandable, since I wouldn't do it myself in real life. I just like him as a character, his story and development. If I said something disrespectful that was misunderstood by thinking I was judging you or anything for liking Cain, that was not my intention at all and I apologize. I'm just so sick and tired of how far this fandom has gone to the point they disrespect each other for being on different sides. Everyone has the freedom to like who they want as long as they don't support their actions in real life. Glad to at least see a Cain stan that recognizes that he has done wrong too, again, I thought you were one of those toxic, hypocritical stans. Have a nice day, bro

    fuk da club up December 15, 2023 7:59 pm
    I know you can't, but like a previous commenter stated, since Yahwi stans tend to receive death threats and slander, I just misunderstood your comment by thinking you were one of those people. I understand your... nami ♡

    I feel like this comment section is always on edge and I’m just adding fuel to the fire. You don’t have to apologize I understand where you are coming from. I also understand how toxic yawhi stans can be especially on twitter and I thought you might have been one of those so sorry for that. but it was nice talking to you and sorry for being snarky with the sweetie earlier idk where that came from sorry have a nice day.

    Gucciha_$a$uke December 15, 2023 9:03 pm
    Again people can like who they want. Mind you that Cain did some things that weren’t alright too. So both aren’t perfect. There’s no need to come at people for fictional characters. <33

    lmao i dont think cain not telling jooin about his family business and using his heartbreak to get closer to him is as bad as literal assault lol. its still not morally perfect though but certainly less bad.

    nami ♡ December 15, 2023 9:18 pm
    I feel like this comment section is always on edge and I’m just adding fuel to the fire. You don’t have to apologize I understand where you are coming from. I also understand how toxic yawhi stans can be es... fuk da club up

    Oh bruh, you're right, I should've known . I guess I've drowned myself with toxic stan's comments, should definitely take break. Also, no worries with the "sweetie" thing, I literally called you "honey" when it's not even part of my daily vocabulary lmao. I didn't see it as something bad or anything so we chill