I really like this story. I still consider her as a "strong" female lead because, even though she is super scared of being killed (wouldn't you ?), she's being smart about how she handles herself. After all she has no strengh, no power, it's smart to lay low. She has no flexibility to exit her current situation, so she is a strong female lead because, even though she is a slave, she takes a strong choice, she decides to hide the fact that she is a princess, she works hard and does the best she can do at everything. She knew knowledge would save her, and studied accordingly. She take her live into her hands doing what she can with the power and knowledge she has. You will have to wait to chapter 6 before it goes in that direction though.
You can also start reading at chapter 5, if you want. The chapter 5 summarizes the beginning well enough. I like this story and really enjoy the relationship that gradually builds up between her and the captain of the Knights of the Empire. I really like the fear he provokes in everyone, how she goes around it and how she slowly charms him because of her hard working character and knowledge.

Of course, she doesn't choose to be a slave. That fact is imposed on her. She chooses to live despite of that, using all she can to enjoy her life despite that slave condition. Anyway you and I know she won't be a slave forever ! I'm sure you know many people that are slaves on a daily basis. Slave to they mortgage, slave to their job, slave to they relationships, slave to a normative society (remember the covid vaccin ?). This way of thinking is not naive, there are just situation that you can't run away from. If the choice is death or being discrete, that still is a choice. Anyway chill bro this is just a fiction. I like it, I'm not saying you have to.

I didn't say, she likes being a slave, nobody would, but now that you mention it, I think she does not perceive herself as one. She just looks at her situation as if it was just a job to perform well. Accepting or rejecting one's life position is only a state of mind. You can be behing bars but still feel free. I recommend watching the "Shaw Shank Redemption". That's an amasing movie. Enjoy.

dude don't compare medieval slavery to people being overworked in the modern world. even with covid, people had the choice to not get the vaccine, it just came with other shortcomings, and 3 years after everyone has the freedom to complain about it. The fl is complacent with her situation, she is not fighting to make it better, because she gets to live that way, yes. But to me that makes her lame, personal view, because a state like slavery where you actually need to get your master's aproval to even drink water is not something you should be fine with. There's a reason why there have been slave uprisings all over history and its not because slaves thought to themselves "I'll just behave and live a good life"

If slavery was easy to get out off, there would not be the reports by the UN of 50 million people currently living in modern slavery. https://www.un.org/en/delegate/50-million-people-modern-slavery-un-report. Please go and complain to the 50 million "lame" people currently being "complacent" ! Anywayyyyyyssss ! If she had rebelled succesfully we would not be talking about the same story. So basically, if you don't like where the author went, don't read it, and instead please a "succesfell" uprising story by watching the movie "Gandhi", if you can cope with the ending. Or better even, write and publish your own story !

I do appreciate you going for the research, seriously, I respect that. To quote you "slave to they mortgage, slave to their job, slave to they relationships, slave to a normative society", starting off with mortgages led me to think you're talking about a somewhat modern working world where yes things can be tough but I do belive it's incomparable to ond slavery, firstly because of the attitude and belifs of the world surrounding you. there is still slavery, unregulated in any sort of way, in more reclusive countries and in third world countries, and that might just be comparable. I'll take the loss, alright, my bad. However, my problem wasn't with her lack of action, her not rebelling, that was a comment about masses of slaves not one skinny little slave girl. what I think is lame is her "this is fine" mindset, because shat is complacent. People being worked to their dearh in africa don't think " this is fine, I'll just work and live happily", women being sold and bought into marriage in Arabia don't think "this is fine, I'll just do my best for my new husband".People being forced to take the vaccine during covid weren't all happy-go-lucky about it thinking there's no way the government would hurt me.no, they all probably think "this is trash but i don't have a chpice so I might as well behave to not make things worse". That would be complacency, and people aren't usually that. Her mindset is based on her quite lucky circumstance and that makes her either ignorant or stupid to me (lucky comparable to other slaves I mean, she's working for a guy who's falling for her and who'snot generaly abusive, but we saw at the begining what the red head gut was willing to do to her, so we know slavery isn'ttame in this world) . it's the mindset of a 10yo, innocent to a fault. And she's not 10, she's not a child, she hasn't been raides cuddled and protected, so where is this innocence coming from? the author, that is. for fucks sake, slaves here aren't allowed water from human reserves without their masters exact permission, so she had to drink the horse's water, and when he gives her a cup and sais to drink from human place, she actually thinks that he is kind!!! How do you not feel dehumanized at that moment? And look, I'll give you this too, I olny read to ch 55, and I don't plan toread any further. I was the chapter where we saw her skin is fair like a baby's butt, not what you'd expect from someone livinv a hars life, but whatever, at that point I wasn't caring anymore. I assume her character will go through some character growth at some point, and maybe she'll stop being complacent, probably, but it doesn't change how she'll been for up to 50 chapters, and I'm allowed to call her lame for that, it is just an opinion fron a random internet person youvknow

And I will never take the"if you don't like it don't read it" comment. never. the thing about art, writing included, is that it's subjective and no author is owed only the people that already like their work to watch or read their work. and i can read it, decide i don't like ot, and still continue, because of my own reasons. i don't have to stop and run away if i don't want to. i can complain about it if i want to, and i can argue with internet strangers about the story if we both want to. but call me any names you want for the comments about the story, not for the fact that i commented, that's not alright. This is a comment section, it's purpose us for us to comment, not necessarily to praise

Hi. I actually appreciate good arguments and recognise them, when they come along. I actually enjoy your responses Mr ou Mm Kinda Judgemental. To proove my point, I have to explain via a processus that is called by psychologist, emotional validation. This means that people tend to validate the emotions based on what will prevent them to be unhappy in a current situation. There is the normal emotional validation and the toxic one. The toxic one is based on not viewing the negative in your life as being negative anymore. This is a survival psychological process that prevents breakdown. This is very very commun. This means that if I am forced to do something, I will convince myself that I wasn't so much against it in the first place. This is to prevent feeling worse. You will act, and validate your actions as to feel empowered. It is crucial in any dangerous situation.
You accept the negative aspects of your live so as to keep moving forward. This is much more commun than you think, and is the phenomenon that actually keeps violented wifes at home. It is only when faced with a life threatening event that these ladies realise the real danger. This is not related to intelligence or naïveté. People can still feel happy when food deprived, when overworked, when violented against, and when in perillous situations, even if they know the situation is not "really" to their liking. Of course they feel better and relieved when the annoying situation is removed, but most don't realise to degree of progress before actually living the new situation.
Why is this tagged as "strong fl" LMAO this fl is a joke