
MayoNICE~ December 14, 2023 4:42 pm

there's too much happening in the story. why is she more focused on helping the prince, while she's imprisoned??? - SHE DUMB

Why would the prince not want to heal? He should run away then come back.

The plot is weird

    Emma_jeffery December 15, 2023 12:50 am

    She can't escape because she is unable to fight back due to her powers only manifesting when she's in an astral projection and she has been starved and is too weak to escape. She helps him because she sees herself in him. The prince doesn't want to get healed because the people who are abusing him can first off see her and attack her and secondly will get mad and attack him more. The prince also has been told his entire life that he is a burden so obviously he is mentally weak. Just because you don't understand the plot, doesn't mean it's bad.