
No i agree, i keep reading and dropping it cuz i kept forgetting what the story was about and i always get baited by the beautiful cover thinking it'd be good a story too (which to no offense IT IS good for the first few chaps but like the recent chaps is just not it too dragging imo, its going nowhere)
I dont even know how yall keep reading thru this shit stop at ch +71(?) Anw the author didnt know what pacing is, everything seems so rushed but also slow, suddenly we got to see new step mom (kinda) but then next chaps she bcm a corpse, the duke comeback to his old bratty days (changing women as if they're just some clothes) even up until this chaps (71) we didnt really see FL actual power.
Anw i hope duke lover never ever revive again (knowing her lover bcm playboy shit i know she would be heartbroken)
Anyhow, i find FL friend more interesting than her lmfao.
(Mind u im only reading at 71, and dont know the spoilers at all. So my comment might be missleading but idc)