if you don't like it then don't read

sakurakou December 16, 2016 8:46 am

you may not like rape or forced sex but guess what this is not real life this is MANGA , it's fiction , if you can't even know the difference between those two then this is not the right place for you , and you should go search for more realistic genre of art , this is only fantasy and I like it , I also like shota and incest genre cuz they are all fiction not real , and just cuz I like mangas that have those doesn't mean I will like real stories that like this ... so if you don't like it go away and leave other's to enjoy the manga in peace .

    Anonymous December 17, 2016 7:15 am

    Mangas like these perpetuate the idea that rape is not a big deal, that it's ok to rape. They romanticize rape and tell all the boys and girls who read these stories that it is ok to love a rapist. Rape is ALWAYS a big deal, it doesn't matter if this is a work of fiction or not. Would you be ok with a love story about someone who gets beaten by their lover and the author treats it like it's perfectly acceptable? It's the same thing.

    It's genuinely disgusting to see so many mangakas be so ready to romanticize rape. The work may be fiction, but the people writing it are real, and their dismissal of sexual assault is horrible.

    Anonymous December 17, 2016 7:17 am

    Can't wait until rape stops being cool in manga.

    steph December 17, 2016 8:00 am

    Are u kidding? If it's fiction or not, This manga gives the message that rape it's okay, that if a guy rape you it's not a bad thing. Personally I think this follows a lame story line and the rape at first chapter is totally awful. How could you sit and see someone get raped and enjoy it omg.