So hear me out

Ronnie December 13, 2023 6:09 pm

One of the readers said that season 1 ends with Jaekyung losing because of his arm and another reader said that it’s taking a BJ Alex turn here. So how about this-

Dan’s grandma gets super sick and Dan gets called. Jaekyung is looking for Dan because he needs his before-game fuck but Dan’s ignoring his call since he’s at the hospital. Jaekyung loses due to his arm injury but blames Dan because he didn’t sleep with him and Jaekyung is furious and Dan is hurt because he just lost his grandma and that’s when they break it off and redemption arc begins!

What do y’all think? Come on, come on bring in your theories

    Bedrockbreakerx December 13, 2023 6:11 pm

    why did i read that as jaekyung loses his arm

    whatevermans December 13, 2023 6:14 pm

    crazy, that's exactly what I came up with while cooking my dinner just now. I just can picture so vividly Dan standing outside the hospital holding that pink scarf in his hands

    urmomsEkitten December 13, 2023 6:18 pm

    This is literally exactly what’s going to happen (⊙…⊙ )

    whatevermans December 13, 2023 6:22 pm

    also JK could fuck someone else as Dan's replacement and that's gonna affect Dan along with JK's insensitivity about grandma's death

    whatevermans December 13, 2023 6:23 pm

    and he still gon blame Dan bc it's gonna be a poor fuck

    Ronnie December 13, 2023 6:38 pm
    crazy, that's exactly what I came up with while cooking my dinner just now. I just can picture so vividly Dan standing outside the hospital holding that pink scarf in his hands whatevermans

    Oh my gosh that’s heartbreaking but would be such a good touch as a writer!

    Ronnie December 13, 2023 6:44 pm
    also JK could fuck someone else as Dan's replacement and that's gonna affect Dan along with JK's insensitivity about grandma's death whatevermans

    See that’s another one I was thinking.

    Bedrockbreakerx December 13, 2023 6:52 pm
    crazy, that's exactly what I came up with while cooking my dinner just now. I just can picture so vividly Dan standing outside the hospital holding that pink scarf in his hands whatevermans


    whatevermans December 13, 2023 7:30 pm
    See that’s another one I was thinking. Ronnie

    we both are geniuses fr, that's how the shit's gonna go 99%. and if not i'm gonna be pleasantly surprised at the author's newfound creative bone

    whatevermans December 13, 2023 7:33 pm
    NUU THATS SO SAD OMG Bedrockbreakerx

    well yeah... but grandma is really old, even if she wasn't ill it wouldn't be too shocking for her to die of an old age...

    whatevermans December 13, 2023 7:37 pm

    btw my other idea was that Dan is going to get rich somehow. maybe grandma has something to her name unbeknown to her and Dan's gonna inherit that shit when she dies

    ahoy set sail! December 13, 2023 7:44 pm

    Why do I feel like the real version won't be half as logical as this #-.-)
    Unlike DG, Dan is too delusional and .... DG knew at one point to back off ...I feel like a slightest emotion from jk will have Dan crumbling and forgiving....and there might be no grovelling ( ̄へ ̄)

    whatevermans December 13, 2023 7:55 pm
    Why do I feel like the real version won't be half as logical as this #-.-)Unlike DG, Dan is too delusional and .... DG knew at one point to back off ...I feel like a slightest emotion from jk will have Dan ... ahoy set sail!

    if the author goes "tough childhood sob sob...JK thought that Dan didn't give a shit about him like everyone else so he treated him badly, but then saw the light and was transformed by the power of true love" route it's gonna be just awful!!

    Ronnie December 13, 2023 10:40 pm
    btw my other idea was that Dan is going to get rich somehow. maybe grandma has something to her name unbeknown to her and Dan's gonna inherit that shit when she dies whatevermans

    That would be another great way to get off from living off Jaekyoung.

    Ronnie December 13, 2023 10:40 pm
    Why do I feel like the real version won't be half as logical as this #-.-)Unlike DG, Dan is too delusional and .... DG knew at one point to back off ...I feel like a slightest emotion from jk will have Dan ... ahoy set sail!

    That’s exactly right. Dan is in denial or something

    whatevermans December 13, 2023 10:44 pm
    That would be another great way to get off from living off Jaekyoung. Ronnie

    Yeah I think it'd be the best way for them to break up - Dan paying JK everything back first!

    Ronnie December 14, 2023 6:00 am
    if the author goes "tough childhood sob sob...JK thought that Dan didn't give a shit about him like everyone else so he treated him badly, but then saw the light and was transformed by the power of true love" r... whatevermans

    Oh God that would be awful! As it is I’m hoping there’s no sob story about JK because that would soooo be cliche! I can’t with that