Girl you shut it! I’m free just as much as the others to voice my opinion.I’m not mad at them for being frustrated cuz I have those moments too but it’s different when you start talking shi abt the story and what she chooses to do with it! Trying to force a storyline you know isn’t happening and getting mad abt it like this isn’t what you signed up for, that’s mad annoying when the author literally stated to not expect any changed in his behavior anytime soon. So don’t come talking to me abt shit! You was better off ignoring this comment.

It’s not even abt yall being frustrated, It’s reading a genre and u seem to not be enjoying and complaining abt her storyline! I read comments to find the people who think like me but it’s filled with people who seem to be expecting wholesome shi like this is cherry blossoms after winter or something. To each their own yes, so imma stand on saying what I think. And I’m clearly not the only one who believes so.

I’m sayingggg!!! I think jk getting a redemption would make him too out of his character or it wouldn’t be too believable for him to just change like that. Dan has gone thru so much tho he’s never really had anyone “take care of him” in a sense like when it comes to him staying with jk and paying of his debt and shi he’s jus been treated so shitty (those loan sharks) he jus ended up falling in love with the current abuser. But if Dan was secretly a masochist i wouldn’t even be too surprised.

NOW she's free and feels offended hahahaha whoa. Bravo!! You just played yourself by saying "I'm as much free as the others" EXACTLY baby, people are free to say whatever they want, just the same as you, but you don't like it when it's turned towards you and now you want justice. Marvelous, as Miles Edgworth said one "you're not a clown, you're the whole circus".

dude pays his grandma’s hospital bills so Dan can stop bitching during sex and he’s like “omg he’s so nice”
i don’t get the insistence from others that he’s got stockholm or something like this is not an abduction story Dan is just stupid. he’s prostituting himself. and he feels like he has no choice in the beginning cause of the money on the line but he’s just compliant by nature. he’s looked at this as a job from the start and has really only expressed genuine concern for Jaekyungs condition the whole time
but it just doesn’t make any sense. why would you make Dan like JK cause of that if it only happens far and few in between. it isn’t like JK is purposely leading Dan on with threads of kindness. that the day in the pool being what made him acknowledge his feelings is reason enough to just make Dan a pervert who acts as if he’s putting up with the sex but gets off on it in private and hates himself for it or something

I get you, but that’s the beauty and fun thing about it! We know we’re not even close to the change because the artist mentioned it twice on her FYIs, but because we’re so invested we let the drama take over us. Yeah, almost every single post bitches about it, but that’s just showing how great this story is let’s just enjoy it
why is every single comment abt this story are like “things aren’t getting better” “he’s still an ass” blah blah YES HE IS AND HE WILL CONTINUE TO BE the author stated this multiple times that he is nowhere near redemption why read a story that’s gonna have u pissed and irritated every update hush it! Stfu and stop complaining this is the whole plot so drop it or zip it. Tbh I love the toxicity & the drama that comes with it, Jinx ain’t no wholesome story everyone knows that so if that’s what you’re looking for u better move around fr