Spoilers for those who find FL frustrating

Sassy9 December 13, 2023 4:53 pm

1. The three family connection. The comb.

ML and FL (original and fake) familiy connection goes back in their grandparent days,

ML family great grandfather really admired a poet after he heard his "poem" and kinda made the poet famous by being his fan. The poet made tons of money. The poet was the great-grandfather of fake family. Because of their oozing love and respect for each other, the old folks made an agreement that if their families give birth to a son and daughter, the two will get married.

In addition, some monk had to give his two cents and interfere of course, he made a prediction that if ML's family marries the descendent of the person who wrote this poem, their family will prosper.

Everyone was like yeah free money so they continued the tradition. That's the reason behind the arrange marriage between fake family and ML family.

Now here is the twist, What they didn't know was that the fake family great-grandfather had stolen the poem from a poor scholar. That scholar is the FL biological family's great-grandfather.

The poem was a love letter, the real-family great-grandpa wrote it for his wife when he proposed her and he also gifted her a jewelry box that he made himself, the two combs are also a part of it and Guess what? The fake family stole both the box and comb from the real family when they stole the poem. Later, The FL great grandfather made a similar box again for his wife after it was stolen as he loved her so much.

Fake family gave the comb to ML family as a keepsake of the engagement agreement. When they were kids, ML stole the comb and gave it to FL cause he really liked her, without knowing the significance of the comb. So FL has the comb. Fake-family grandma has the box.

2. Ex- fiancé and his little sorry story.

Ex has a major inferiority complex because of ML. ML's mother is the second wife, and to stop complications from happening about inheritance, ML was always told by the adults that his brother is the heir and that he shouldn't covet the things that belong to his brother.
But as they grew up it became obvious that ML is more capable. Ex knows that the only reason he has the position of heir is because he's the eldest and not because he is capable so he always feels threatened by ML.

When he finds out that FL isn't the real daughter of fake-family he immediately decides to breakup with her cause what he needs is the poet's descendant who the family elders and grandpa want, not FL. But because his grandpa really likes FL he can't just casually dump her. So the Ex and fake family arrange for Fake-daughter to enter his company as his secretary so they can pretend that they met coincidentally and fell in love and then he can use that as an excuse to get engaged to Fake-daughter. He finds out that FL was given 1% shares by grandpa so he threatens FL to breakup with ML or he will destroy her biological family.

Ex and fake-daughter get engaged. They live together and are having sex and all but haven't married yet when Ex gets into a car accident and falls into a coma. Fake family are initially worried but when he doesn't wake up after a couple of months, they immediately switch to trying to get their daughter hitched with ML. ML of course has no interest in marrying fake-daughter but he's also mad at FL .

3. ML and FL marriage

ML eventually ends up marrying FL because grandpa went on hunger strike.

Gramps like FL and detest the fake family after the truth was out.
When grandpa got sick, he used that as an excuse to get FL to visit him and asks her to get married to ML. FL is reluctant because of the way things ended between her and ML but grandpa is stubborn and she doesn't have a backbone, She uses her little brain and comes up with a brilliant plan (understand the sarcasm) She says she will agree to this marriage only if ML agrees to it. She thinks he will obviously refuse to marry her but to her surprise he agreed. So the delulu FL thinks that ML still likes her and thats why he agreed to marry her. Secretly she's really happy about it and thinks that this time she will make it work.

Even after everything, she still doesn't want to explain the real reason why she broke up with him because that would mean she would have to explain how she knew about her real family in the first place. She just thinks that ML is willing to brush over all that since he agreed to the marriage.

On the wedding day, FL is all happy cause she thinks she's got a second chance Only for her to be disappointed when ML tell her that the only reason he agreed to this marriage was because grandpa went on a hunger strike gramps threaten that he will starve himself to death if ML doesn't marry FL. On the day of the wedding he actually tries to runaway but is stoped by grandpa and his guards. That's why he has a little band aid on his cheek.

He said he detest gold diggers like her, and congratulate her on becoming the madam of the house like she always wanted. That's the excuse she used when she broke up with him so I understand why he would say that.

FL of course doesn't bother explaining anything and they end up spending their honeymoon away from each other.


He starts taking over the company. Fake-daughter is still trying to get him and one day when ML goes to an apartment near the company to rest, she breaks-in wearing sexy lingerie to seduce him. The apartment was previously used by Ex and her so she knows the door code. ML is not seduced and is chasing her out when FL comes and caused misunderstandings btw ML & FL because of course he doesn't explain the situation to FL as he's still mad at her.


4. When EX wake up from the comma.

Sometime later in the story, Ex wakes up from coma but pretends he has amnesia and can't remember that he and FL broke up cause he wants to get FL back because grandpa likes her and he has also come to realise that fake family are kinda nuts. FL come to visit him because she feels bad for grandpa and doesn't have a spine but she quickly realises Ex is faking and calls him out on it. Fake-daughter also comes to the hospitals and the two of them start arguing about how ex should take responsibility and marry Fake but Ex doesn't want to.

5. Down fall fake family.

Towards the end of the story, ML finds out about the plagiarism and decides to avenge FL's family by publicising the truth. He tricks fake-family grandma into giving him the chest by pretending to be interested in fake-daughter and saying he wants to propose using the box and comb as they were part of the original marriage agreement. Grandma gives him the box and he sends it to experts to verify everything and publicises the truth. Fake family's reputation is destroyed and Fake-dad loses his job as a professor because of this scandal.

Now, Fake family wants to cling to Ex because they've realised that ML is a lost cause so they end up filing a lawsuit against Ex, saying that Fake and Ex were living together and such. It gets messy and its all over the news and stuff so Ex's reputation goes down the drain. He doesn't marry fake-daughter but marries some other woman in an arranged marriage and apparently she cheats on him and couldn't careless about his sorry ass. Fake-daughter's reputation is also destroyed and no one in the rich circles wants to marry her so she's desperately trying to land a rich husband at the end of the story.

The grandma dies at the end.

6. ML and FL during marriage

FL tries to make the marriage work but ML doesn't let her because misunderstandings blabla and FL didn't try to clear it up. FL thinks ML is being seduced and in love with fake family daughter so she gives up seeing their marriage wouldn't work and moves out of the house to live in a hotel for the time being.

And after that at the end

FL is the author of a book, which ML is secretly a huge fan of. One day, ML comes back home from a dinner meeting with the fake family, sees FL left the place and assumes she went to her real family's home. He then went to her house to take her back but of course, she isn't there. When FL parents asks about his visit he lies about visiting them. While searching for her he comes across a signed book of his favorite book and figured out FL's is the author.

Then he emails her anonymously saying he knows who she is and asks to meet her in a cafe.
FL's friend promise to help her catch her stalker with her staff members also helping her. When he comes to the cafe, they all tackle the stalker only to realize it's ML. Misunderstandings get resolved. Happy Ending.

7. Epilogue

They have three kids in the epilogue or side story

    Lana December 13, 2023 6:48 pm

    Thank you very much for the detail explanation, I really appreciate it.
    The story is so intriguing!
    I am so amazed how stubborn the FL is! I guess that's how the author make the story longer and attract readers(or making them more angry!) LOL

    Queenie December 18, 2023 2:27 pm

    Thanks so much for explaiing the whole story in such detail i can'tbelieve the Fl is so Stupid she cant talk but at least her fake family all suffer(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    simplylee December 18, 2023 6:41 pm

    jesus christ, so we're in for a long ride of angst

    Mina December 18, 2023 8:17 pm
    jesus christ, so we're in for a long ride of angst simplylee

    Imma let this marinate for at least one year

    cryyone December 19, 2023 8:07 pm

    and this is why we need communication story could’ve been done with a happy ending if she cleared up the misunderstanding

    Nightmare365 December 25, 2023 8:22 pm

    You're a lifesaver!! This story was starting to piss me off and now I realize I'd just continue to be pissed off for like 90% of the remaining story. I live you, my hero!

    Yona December 25, 2023 11:36 pm

    Okay so what was the reason for them to be switched at birth? If the monk told the grandma if she didn’t do it something bad will happen.

    happyNisssha December 26, 2023 1:26 am

    Omg thank you so much, whenever I see this one in my notifications, my blood pressure rises

    rhaine15 December 26, 2023 2:52 am

    Thank you for a very neat and detailed summay. Now I'm gonna drop this since I know the flow and I'd say the angst is not worth reading

    Meow December 26, 2023 6:31 am

    FINALLY THE CLOSURE I NEEDED TO DROP THIS STORY!! I literally open each chapter with the hope the MC finally spills the beans and stop with the angst cause she clearly cannot create a coherent plan even if she has the upper hand. Where did the author get the idea to resolve everything and leave the misunderstandings between the ML and MC until the very last act of the story.

    BlueTundra January 4, 2024 8:15 am

    Thanks for telling us what happens. I find the ending to be really unsatisfying...Talk about 2 little 2 late. I now feel free 2 drop this one, so I don't waste anymore time. You've saved me a lot of suffering--Thnx again :)

    Lana January 4, 2024 7:23 pm

    The FL is driving me crazy, but I still want to know what happens at the end, more like I want to see how the evil family suffers.

    BlueTundra January 5, 2024 3:38 am
    The FL is driving me crazy, but I still want to know what happens at the end, more like I want to see how the evil family suffers. Lana

    Their "suffering" is not enough.

    LuluKillua March 5, 2024 12:13 am

    bRUH they dragthis shit so long fl literally broke him