Just ranting

Killua December 13, 2023 12:12 pm

I just found out a paper that was needed to pass my class was due 3 days ago and I thought I had until Thursday so now idk what to do. This is gonna fuck up everything for my classes next semester since I won’t have any financial aid because I didn’t take enough credits (I would have been good if I had passed this class but you can’t pass without the paper being turned in). I’m thinking of begging the teacher to give me until this Thursday. I know it was my fault for not checking the deadlines again so I’m not blaming my teacher but this all sucks

    yonie December 13, 2023 12:27 pm

    Noooooooooo T^T

    A Random Romantic December 13, 2023 4:15 pm

    breathe, do it today, finish it all today and reach out. were all human and everything is negotiable. when in doubt say something happened to you. or someone passed idk. I know its a cheap way to go but this sounds very layered. Or you could be truthful about it and say i genuinely have been very overwhelmed with the accumulation of finals and mixed up the dates. use mental health as a vessel to deliver your paper when in doubt maybe they accept it and give it half credit or mark u down with each day. negotiate with them

    Killua December 13, 2023 9:05 pm
    breathe, do it today, finish it all today and reach out. were all human and everything is negotiable. when in doubt say something happened to you. or someone passed idk. I know its a cheap way to go but this so... A Random Romantic

    Thank you for your advice, reading it did make me feel better.I am planning on turning it in today as soon as I finish and I feel uncomfortable telling my professor about the issues I’ve been going through so it’ll be my last resort. They’re relatively nice and understating so hopefully they’ll accept it.