Seasonal Thought

Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 7:05 pm

I am deleting my original post because it contains a joke other people may find religiously offensive and it was not my intent to start a debate on religion or offend others. I apologize for not being sensitive to other people's religious beliefs. I was joking based on my own thoughts and experiences, and was not thinking seriously about religion.

I am leaving some of the comments because people have a right to disagree, and I want to make my position clear that I see a difference between comments that disagree with the *content* and those that make *personal* attacks or have an axe to grind and seem to me to be posted only to disrupt discussion instead of promote it. Since some people found my joke to fall into the later category, I deleted it. I left some comments that have a mixture of content discussion an personal attacks because I can't delete just the part of the comment that is not directed at content.

For the record, I think trolls are those that post in order to make personal attacks or state things in a hostile way meant to insult others. This is different than simply disagreeing. Disagreeing is fine (though it doesn't mean people can't politely respond).

    Your mom December 16, 2016 11:03 am

    I know we're not allowed to find a problem with stuff posted on here as if you disagree you're called a troll more often than not. But I do find a problem in you likening a beautiful religious Christmas song, to a's a bit much.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 11:56 am

    I don't think the intent was to make fun of any one's beliefs or dis respect others. although the joke may not be for every one, I don't think it was meat to hurt any one either.

    Anonymous December 16, 2016 2:29 pm
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @AnonK

    You sure whine alot ╥﹏╥

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 3:33 pm

    No one has called any one a troll but you. but i do notice that any time anyone says anything on this page positive, some one comes in to level it. I have no need to defend or castrate her. Perhaps you should reread my post. you come in to make a grand statement to put every one else down at the 1fst sec .Posing as another AnnoK. Cursing as per usual. No one runs this page but you Annoymous which ever one you are today. you see you set it up and you get . Your Mom. you posted your OP to a question no one went after you for it or called you a trolled. you said your OP abt. AG's post, I was polite and light hearted I could even see your side. there is no posse here. And yet here you(ANno) come to sow the seeds of discontent. This(AG) person has never been disrepect. to others when posting here, used disruptive lang., so I can say it was meant to be a joke. You (AnonK) jump at the change to sling your mud. you don't know the person well enough to call her disgusting. the rest of society may well judge you the same for even reading this type of material. Remember as you judge so to you can be also.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 3:34 pm

    Still feel like we are the baddies Your mom?

    Your mom December 16, 2016 5:42 pm
    Still feel like we are the baddies Your mom? @Reality bites

    Um this question actually shows that you are pretty confrontational! Why bring me back into it? I stand by my original point because I have every reason to find a problem with anonis post like it or not.
    It seems that you guys just can't stand people disagreeing with you. maybe they have a point.....? You seem to fly off the handle and say that someone is trying to 'castrate' anoni, don't you think THAT is the kind of thing they are talking about?
    Why not just let people disagree if they want. Yet again something gets blown way out of proportion and like those guys says it seems to be anonis cronies doing it. Sorry but all I said was I did not agree with her post and i am allowed to. No one had to respond and it's nothing to do with me. There are no baddies and goodies either here because I'm sure all of you can be bullies or trolls when you want to be. I'm sure there are examples of all of you being mean to someone at some point.

    Anonymous December 16, 2016 6:26 pm
    Um this question actually shows that you are pretty confrontational! Why bring me back into it? I stand by my original point because I have every reason to find a problem with anonis post like it or not. It see... @Your mom

    Errm you are the one blowing this out of proportion. You could of stuck with the second part you wrote which I wholehearted agree but you started out first with a rant about trolls which is kind of confrontational too.

    Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 6:37 pm
    I know we're not allowed to find a problem with stuff posted on here as if you disagree you're called a troll more often than not. But I do find a problem in you likening a beautiful religious Christmas song, ... @Your mom

    It's a joke...but it's also what I think when I selectively listen to the lyrics. You are entitled to religious sensitivities--but I still think what i think.

    Your mom December 16, 2016 6:53 pm
    Errm you are the one blowing this out of proportion. You could of stuck with the second part you wrote which I wholehearted agree but you started out first with a rant about trolls which is kind of confrontatio... @Anonymous

    It was hardly a rant when I'm genuinely asking rb to question (her) replies and no it's not at all confrontational. Only in the way that asks that someone confront their own behaviour. Naturally anyone in my position would feel frustrated when after posting my original post - I come back to see all that shit. And a question asking ME of all people to back up someone I have no obligation to agree with.

    Why rb felt the need to try and placate me on behalf of anoni anyway is beyond me because anoni herself clearly didn't put any thought into her post in the first place. And there in lies the point. That all the usual suspects are involved in this nonsense and quite frankly it does always centre around the SAME people. Perhaps you should start seeing these patterns too. maybe they crave the drama, but don't. I'm going to live my life so you trolls stay on here and be miserable with each other. There's clearly no winning against stupid.

    Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 7:12 pm
    It was hardly a rant when I'm genuinely asking rb to question (her) replies and no it's not at all confrontational. Only in the way that asks that someone confront their own behaviour. Naturally anyone in my po... @Your mom

    You are correct that I did not put that much thought into the original post, and I have changed it based on your objections. However, I think some of the drama "centers around the same people" because others simply disagree with what we say and find ways to characterize us as "rabid fans" or "attacking" when they are in the process of making personal attacks instead of focusing on the content of the posts.

    I am not against you posting your opinion. I am simply going to post mine too. I am not trying to attack or be offensive. I am just saying what I think.

    Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 7:19 pm
    I don't think the intent was to make fun of any one's beliefs or dis respect others. although the joke may not be for every one, I don't think it was meat to hurt any one either. @Reality bites

    Thanks RB. TBH, I just didn't think of "fall on your knees" as having a religious significance, but now I realize that to many people it does. Also, it seems we are a posse :) I think we should get t-shirts or something.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 10:17 pm

    I'm sorry Your Mom that was not my intent, my apologies. I wanted you to see we aren't as bad as ppl say we are. ii was not really asking for a ans. back. sorry.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 10:35 pm

    Forget it AG not worth it. We did what we were supp. to do. Which was more than they did.