For sure.
The only thing is....my beef with this sudden Omega hood is that the uterus has to have already BEEN there for it to be unlocked. Someone had mentioned he might have been a hyper recessive omega so he had not exhibited any traits. I still find that hard to believe, but I GUESS that would explain the spontaneous combustion. Otherwise, physiologically this is impossible.

It was said previously he's so recessive as an omega that he's practically a beta. So to make the fantasy biology kinda solid, my guess is his plumbing was there, just turned off, and he needed a trigger of highly compatible alpha for it to turn on and start working. Late bloomer of sorts, like really late.

Yeah, there are some ppl saying that. I guess I had always operated on the he's been a beta all his life and then the transition. But if he's already endowed, then that part definitely gets solved. But there are so many other factors that didn't even get manifested such as self lubrication and ability to detect pheromone. In my experiences it doesn't make sense for them to lack these things. Unless he had been a latent omega, rather than being hyper recessive.....

I think thinking about how it would work IRL is fun and I'm pretty sure latent is proper term and I would love to read actually good scifi/fantasy/whatever genre based on this premise that takes realistic biology into account. But what the hell can we expect from an author that is so bad at drawing biology accurate dicks that sex looks more like rather fun impaling torture and the story revolves around a secret butt baby.
Bur ok, I'll bite what if he was really latent and really beta like (sex disorder?), but for a year he was in proximity to the trigger (compatible alpha). As for the other things- in real life people have different levels of sences, smell isn't just talked so much about, because not smelling anything isn'tas debilitating as going blind. Some real women have issues with lubrication. Some have disorders that make their part not working at all. Some even produce so much testosterone, they look and sound mannish. If you apply it to ABO, it can get biologiced out. But. But. But. ABO is a world where butter babies are possible. I'm not sure that it should be biologiced out.

Sure if you factor that in, but being hyper recessive wasn't explained so I'm left thinking....like is there smthng wrong with this dude or if he really transitioned from beta hood. Cuz in many ABO they'd explain the condition of the omega/alpha as being effective or short of on something (like one where an alpha can't sense pheromones and isn't affected by it at all (until he encountered an omega whose scent he CAN detect)), so like there is no working knowledgebof any issue or what it Means to be a hyper recessive, if indeed it indicates those symptoms above that you have given out, as being part of the hyper recessiveness. It literally just says he's a hyper recessive without saying anything. So then he went around w/ a womb, the ONLY indicator that he is an omega, but then was misdiagnosed because he wasn't showing other traits?!? I mean.... I guess CT scans and stuff aren't a thing.

Eh I mean there are intersex folks irl that don't know that they have a something extra (e.g. testes remaining in the body) especially pre-puberty. You wouldn't do a CT scan unless there was something wrong. So in this case if the hormones are indicative of beta, I wouldn't see why doctors would try to look for a womb or anything.

Well this is an omegaverse, where the possibility of males being pregnant and alpha "females" have male reproductive organs already kind of resulted that out. In the real world, sure, you get many different variations but you're typically male or female looks wise. But for omegas and alphas their traits are ruts, pheromones production, and pheromones sensing and the usage of those chemicals as a signal to influence others or to express the self. For all omegas they also get wet so... these are pretty distinct characteristics. From my understanding of biology you are wired to be make or female for reproductive purposes so if those are non-existent or nonfunctioning then that takes away those traits. The purpose for most ABO is to create a scenario where men can also get pregnant so they'd have to develop those parts. But there is no spontaneous differentiation. Meaning either they'd have to been born with it (as in the real world) or developed these traits and organs and cells overtime. Many factors contributes to the development of organs. But typically ppl irl who have both organs, from what I've learned back in my bio days, only have one of those parts that is functional. Genetically speaking you're either born male or female but there are times when there are errors. However, this doesn't work in an ABO, mainly because the rules of this universe has NEVER explored such intersexed species, and also, being a male omega and a female alpha sort of solves that problem doesn't it?!?

It's hard to apply real life science o omegaverse precisely because it is the stuff of fiction. In a way male omegas and female alphas already fit that exact definition that you mentioned of intersex individuals..... having some form of both female and male reproductive organs...and while intersex individuals have both, typically at most only one is functional. Developmental biology is REALLY REALLY complicated so we won't go there. But anyways, if external symptoms don't exist (ruts/heats, pheromones production & detection, getting wet (omegas)) then yes, it CAN lead to a misdiagnosis since the "female" reproductive part of the male omega cannot be seen externally like the male genitalia and scrotum. But I wouldn't categorize this diagnosis as a hyper-recessive because omegas, regardless of the degree of omega ness typically follows the traits of their sub gender. In most Omegaverses the amount of pheromones produced by recessives are really low or undetectable, and the fertility is low so less likely to get pregnant. I know we shouldn't compare to other omegaverses since every ABO is different but it is the general rule. Anyways, even if he had been misdiagnosed he would be considered a latent omega, since he already had the womb but exhibited no other reproductive traits. So even if he HaD been a beta, which is still what I think he is, then the transition to omegahood would have to take time to develop a fully developed and functioning uterus. If he's an undeveloped omega cuz he has a womb but no other reproductive traits, then the transition would be faster. Either way, having had a womb - meaning he's already an omega, or developing over time because he has been around an alpha - assuming alpha pheromone exposure can induce change into an omega - then those conditions have to be met - having a fully functioning uterus - and then being receptive to an alpha's pheromones, in order to be induced into heat - and to have a successful conception. If the womb hasn't existed then it doesn't matter HOW receptive he is, he can't conceive. I'm only hung up on that cuz was it latent? Or is it one of those conversions due to alpha pheromones??? If latent, then yes, perfectly easy solution as to why Ian's rutting pheromones suddenly awoken his dormant omega traits.

Oh yeah, totally. I only mentioned intersex individuals who have testes that remain in the body (especially pre-puberty) as an example to show that their are folks who don't know of certain sexual traits until later especially since the characters are young.
I think the recessive term people use in omegaverse is functionally equivalent to latent tbh since, you're right, the whole point is so that all omegas can get pregnant lolol rather than recessive like how we think of a recessive trait in biology. So in this case I think its a language thing (dormant might even be the most accurate here) rather than a (fantasy) biology thing.

That depends. I would say latent/or dormant since his other traits aren't expressed. So whether he's a recessive or whatever on the spectrum, besides the uterus being present, nothing else is expressed. Meaning, in a regular recessive, other traits (such as self-lubrication and pheromone detection) are still functional, but pheromone secretion is low and fertility is low. And we can't tell of the uterus is functional or not since dudes don't even have periods. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
For this chapter I don't think anyone was in the wrong. It was an incident that was beyond both of their control. Noah intentions wasn't to sleep with Ian. It was to give him his injection and to see him 1 last time like closing a chapter to a book. Ian wasn't expecting Noah to appear since he didn't know his injection fell and Noah picked it up nor was they communicating.Noah been a beta his whole life never smelled pheromones not to mention his 1st time was with Ian so technically he wouldn't have known what a rut look like it would appear to someone with an untrain eye as some one who looks like they have a cold or the flu. Ian was so deep in his rut that he most likely doesn't know who is even in front of him and will not even remember letting someone in. Also due to Ian being a dominant Alpha his aggressive pheromones most likely unlocked Noah hidden omega gene. So what's happening now is beyond both of their control. It's animalistic traits taking over no one was at fault