よっ、 Im not very good with English translations But, so I google copy and paste my comments for U, idk, if this right translation but, (by the way I’m male student 嬉)
Here’s the google translation:
The first two are classmates who don't even know their names.
Kanata seen from Akira looks vivid!
Kanata is a popular person in the center of the circle of people, but
A handsome guy who has a cold place somewhere!
Shota Aoyama and Yo Chikawa, an excellent and lone wolf enrolled in the special advanced class.
We only knew each other's faces, but one day, we met on the unpopular stairs leading to the rooftop.
From that day on, the rooftop became a secret place for just the two of us! Rooftop secret place!
*The episode of Akira's former friend is It's annoying ~ It was one friend ~ Who is this guy ~ Akira hurt by a small word, the wound weakened myself, sensitivity, no vulNerable, a sense of loneliness that feels like it's not needed by anyone. A story of love so far from the old-fashioned subject of straight and gay love...
*I'm very good at drawing the complexity of identifying myself as gay.
*Thank you for making it such a precious story to fall in love with straight people.
I love BL without sex X erotic depiction Their relationship was enviable and wonderful
*The future of these two Sequel/Continues, I wish there was a story to go beyond that~
***The story that you won't get tired of no matter how many times you read it
Ya, I agreed and wished for more romance too. Some English translations were a little off at part, I get confused even for me, I have a raw comic book to read the story/relationship. Ya, It would be nice to see stories afterwards. U might like: Fake Fact Lips and Fake Fact Lips brake! I read the 1st Fake Fact Lips and found out there's a story after, Fake Fact Lips-break published back in Nov,2023, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Part-Two Vol.1 & 2, I recommend. Thx for the reply.
その日から屋上は二人だけの秘密の場所になった! Rooftop secret place!
Akiraの元友達のエピソードはムカつくなぁ〜〜1人の友達だったんだろが〜こいつ何様〜小さな一言に傷ついたAkira、その傷が元で自分をweakened, sensitivity, no vulnerable、誰からも必要とされて無いかと感じる孤独感。ノンケとゲイの恋という、使い古された題材をここまで愛の物語…
セッX・エロイ描写の無いBL大好き 彼らの関係が羨ましく素敵でした
*この2人の将来 Sequel/Continues、その先へと進んで行くストーリがあったらなぁ〜