Siwon was a really good friend to young Jun. He didn't recognize older Jun, but that wasn'...

Akari December 15, 2016 2:21 pm

Siwon was a really good friend to young Jun. He didn't recognize older Jun, but that wasn't his fault at all because Jun's jerk dad spirited him away suddenly. And his dad is probably the reason his name is no longer Jun.

Also Siwon's dad is a terrible parent. I can understand not really approving of your children's choices, but that's seriously not how parents are supposed to go about it. There are plenty of parents who think art is not a viable career choice; that's fine, just encourage your children to pursue other interests at the same time, or educate them about how it's good to have a back-up plan. You don't have to actively encourage your children's dreams (I guess -- still seems pretty crap to me), but to actively destroy their dreams and call them useless? Now that's shit parenting. Ok, rant over.

    messy-mushroom December 15, 2016 4:03 pm

    I know right ?! I'm a comic strip student and I still remember the look on the face of my father when I said I wanted to draw comic strip (and my mom was in denial from elementary school until highschool always saying "ha she's still young, she will change her mind" but in the end they still support me. Even though they're always like "think of a back up plan" and this always feel shitty because it feels like they don't trust me, they never tried to make me stop to draw and I know deep down they're proud of me (They kept all my drawings from when I was 3 to now XD ) That's why even though I understand their worries as parents, I don't feel so bitter about it. I think that's how parents should be (because sadly parents being against this sort of job is, while kinda understanding, quite typical and it's sad and hard for their child.

    Also I really felt bad when Siwon's father destroy Siwon's drawing. Like wtf man ?! Do you have any idea of how much work this is ??? Your son literally putted his heart in this and you ripped it ??? Destroying the hard work of someone is one of the worst thing you can do as an human being. Urgh. He's such an horrible father.

    Ladyanime December 15, 2016 4:07 pm
    I know right ?! I'm a comic strip student and I still remember the look on the face of my father when I said I wanted to draw comic strip (and my mom was in denial from elementary school until highschool alway... messy-mushroom

    Right,I think you have a great tAlent ,I can't even draw a str-8 but I agree both their father's should jump off the roof

    :u December 15, 2016 9:36 pm

    Siwon's dad is probably also why he's so like... verbal vomit terrified of even the notion of being gay. He's been brow-beaten into being convinced he's worthless by his father (even now he thinks that), and he's so desperate to be 'normal' he'll reject anything that's not seen as such. Like... emotional and mental abuse are awful and can make people grow up to be pretty sh*ty and depressed individuals.

    Akari December 17, 2016 11:13 am
    Siwon's dad is probably also why he's so like... verbal vomit terrified of even the notion of being gay. He's been brow-beaten into being convinced he's worthless by his father (even now he thinks that), and h... @:u

    I agree! To be told from such a young age that what you love most is useless and that you yourself are worthless changes your entire outlook on life. I feel like a major part of the reason this webtoon is so popular is that the artist did a fantastic job capturing the psyche of these characters. And from the beginning so many people can empathize with Siwon's feelings of being lost and feeling inadequate because a lot of us have given up childhood dreams as we grow older because of pressures financially, societal expectations, or just because there's so much competition in certain fields that it makes it difficult to find a job. Anyway, I've been impressed each chapter with the storyline and development of both characters.

    Akari December 17, 2016 11:21 am
    I know right ?! I'm a comic strip student and I still remember the look on the face of my father when I said I wanted to draw comic strip (and my mom was in denial from elementary school until highschool alway... messy-mushroom

    Yeah that part where he literally and figuratively tore up his own child's dreams really did not sit well with me. He destroyed all of Siwon's self-confidence, and Siwon probably spent his entire life up to and including this point feeling horribly inadequate.

    And I wish you all the best in honing your talent and becoming a master of your craft. The world always needs more artists to inspire us and give us stories like this one. And I'm glad your parents have been (anxiously, but still) on board with you doing what you love. It's a wonderful thing when parents accept and are proud of what their children do.