From what I remember reading the novel, Zhenya didn’t rape Teakjoo for 3 days but all the sex happened in one night while Teakjoo was drugged (Zhenya didn’t drug him) in Sergei’s bedroom, this was what the Teakjoo was thinking that if a man gets held down for 3 days and gets raped for 3 days straight and 3 nights that he would die the blood and fluid would dry out. Zhenya left him alive at the side of the river on purpose it’s like he subconsciously wanted Teakjoo to survive, he knew his colleagues was tracking him down (he injected him with a sedative and acted like he was gonna cut off his finger but didn’t do it) at that stage in the novel I think even Zhenya didn’t understand why he didn’t just kill Teakjoo.
I think it’s after the bombing happens that Zhenya realises he feels some type of way towards Teakjoo (he felt excited/happy to find out that teakjoo has tracked him down and stroked back with an attack then he gets shocked of how he feels and he asks the post-mail man to strip naked and dance in front of him and questions himself why he isn’t turned on by any man other than Teakjoo) this is when his obsession with Teakjoo actually starts, you can see his feelings through his actions in the events afterwards (can’t spoil too much lol).
I personally love the novel it’s one hell of a ride till happy ending. Hope this helps!

This is a bit farther after but kind of.. spoilers !! A bit long
TLDR: Yes, and the details are below. Up until this point in the manhwa, he doesn’t care for Taekju. He’s just around him because he brings excitement to his life and because Taekju trusts him, he doesn’t want to kill him right away. He’s kind of toying with him right now. It’s a slow burn.
During the rape scene Zhenya tells Taekju of a story of an immortal man named Koshchei, a man with one weakness, and that story gives him clues of anastasia. Zhenya feels his life is boring without taekju and everything was grey and dull. Then theres an explosion, like the one in the hotel, except now in Bogandov’s mansion caused by Taekju piecing things together from the Koschei story. After that Taekju is kinda kidnapped by Zhenya and put on this isolated island with him, and thats where a lot of scenes that show Zhenya actuslly growing feelings for Taekju become prominent, in a bit of a twisted way. Taekju tries to escape by swimming, but the waters around the island almost kill him and Zhenya saves him, saying its annoying if he keeps trying to die or escape. (Like in an “It’s weird and annoying I care for you” kind of way.) They screw a lot there, consented or unconsented, and they began doinf activities like skiing or hunting together to pass time and in these scenes Zhenya is seen having fun in the novel and growing to care for Taekju. While Taekju is in captivity Zhenya would leave the island and come back with korean goods like ramen and kimchi for him. Towards the end of this arc, Zhenya almost kills Taekju by choking him. But after Taekju loses consciousness, Zhenya is shaking and sweating, frantically checking if he actually killed him and looking for a pulse. And when he finds he’s breathing, he kind of just leaves. I forgot to mention that Zhenya’s sister, Olga, is with them for half of the arc. She doesn’t really do anything weird, she’s kind and she’s just there. Olga helps Taekju escape, and he takes a self-made bomb with him. When Zhenya sees Taekju escaping he’s visibly anxious and calls out for him, saying something kinder than what he usually says ( I don’t remember what it was ) and then after Taekju doesn’t come back he says “Damnit, why won’t you come back when I say good things?” He rushed towards him when he was about to get on the helicopter and leave but Taekju used the bomb and Zhenya was hurt, but he still called our for Taekju while the plane was leaving. After this, Taekju left for Korea and Olga helped him with supplies. When he was leaving, Olga thought that Zhenya looked like Koschei, except his weakness was love.

OH MY GOOOOOOOOD GUYS THANK YOU SOOO MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! That's exactly what I wanted to know! After I read on the comments section about zhenya living taekjoo to death after the rape, I felt helpless and thought it would be no fun if they never grow feelings for each other. I love a slow burn when crazy dudes realize their feelings and start to suffer over the obsession and guilt for the things they have done hmmm *chef kiss*
Anyways THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!! I think I'm convinced I'm going to read the novel thanks to you guys! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Here you go champs: https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/ca/
I know what happens in the future, about the 3 days's rape scene and zhenya living taekjoo to die (until the moment he's rescued), what I would like to know is: IS THERE ANY SIGN OF ACTUAL FEELINGS after that??? I'm not talking about cute fluffy love, I'm talking about zhenya realizing smh taekjoo is different or important for him and start to actually care about him in a VERY twisted and sick way.
Does something like this ever happen or in the novel, until now, he just couldn't care less if taekjoo dies or not??