I had to logout to comment here. even though I'm a regular here. I found out this year th...

Anonymous December 15, 2016 7:05 am

I had to logout to comment here. even though I'm a regular here. I found out this year that I have a lot of surgical scars inside in that area. When the doctor said the scars were from the surgery I had, I said, "but I've never had surgery of any kind." If male organs were removed from my body as an infant, I wish my parents had told me. It would answer so many painful questions. I didn't ever consider a sex change because I would lose my feminine side, and I feel like both genders are me. I have this female body, but I've so much identified as a male always. I found out that I can't have children, but no one said it was because of this. I just don't know. My parents are dead so I can't ask them now. Why didn't they tell me? This is too mysterious and confusing with no one to talk to about it. The male part of me is crying inside me always just to be able to be acknowledged as a man, but that is impossible. I've tried and it was a terrible disaster. People can be so so cruel. I stay to myself now, and I read yaoi with others online who also like it and are very kind and maybe a little strange like me. I'm so glad you guys are here. TY for reading all this. Sorry for the long post.

    Anonymous December 15, 2016 7:17 am

    do your parents perhaps have siblings that knew about this and maybe you can ask them why your parents took such a decision? Also while people are cruel some aren't used to the idea of something outside of what is considered normal. They believe that if you have certain genitals you are a certain gender and that's it. But you shouldn't stay to your self or stop trying to be recognized as what you are because if someone truly cares about you they will understand, and if they don't, then you don't need those kinds of people in your life.

    Anon December 15, 2016 9:14 am

    there may be a reason why your parents never told you anything, tho in my opinion, they should have told you when you reach a certain age. i bet the memory might be painful for them too. there are cases when a baby is born with ambiguous genitalia, which is a usually a sign of underlying disease.

    you know, when a baby is born, the person who conducts the delivery would show the baby to the mother, asking her whether the baby is a boy or a girl based on the external genitalia. when a baby has a mix of both, and one cannot tell the sex of the baby, it is very distressing to the parents. a surgery may be done usually to remove the less prominent genital organ along with starting the treatment for the underlying disease.

    i can't say i understand how you are feeling because i don't. but i have seen real life cases in hospital. and i would say that it is not a very good experience.

    modragon December 16, 2016 2:22 pm

    Thank You for sharing your story with us! while I can not understand what you are going through, I have struggled with my own identity and body issues and once when I was bold and tried to be honest, was utterly rejected for them. So on that level I can say that trying again after experiencing a bad out come is very difficult and it was nearly 5 years before I found myself a second time.

    Our path is our own but I do encourage you as much as I can to try again, in your own time and your own way, find a space for yourself. If you want someone talk to about it you could try finding a forum of people going through the same thing (I know there are some.) or ever you just need a chat feel free to message on here.

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 5:24 am
    Thank You for sharing your story with us! while I can not understand what you are going through, I have struggled with my own identity and body issues and once when I was bold and tried to be honest, was utterl... modragon

    thank you so much for such kind words. I would never have had the realizations if it hadn't been for this manga. Absolutely no one in my family would tell me if they knew.
    Sometimes something that seems like it should be horrible news simply isn't because it sheds light on so many things that had been confusing and mysterious before. I think that to be careful is so important with gender identity issues. Really, all of us with these issues share so much and are alike, which is a good feeling. I don't know if it's true that I am intersexual. I might not be, and everything could be explained another way. So I have no right to think I have a claim on the kind of pain others like those in the stories have.
    thanks for the forum suggestion. I think I'll try that, and thanks so much for your comments and generosity. I hope things go beautifully for you in this part of your life.

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 5:26 am
    do your parents perhaps have siblings that knew about this and maybe you can ask them why your parents took such a decision? Also while people are cruel some aren't used to the idea of something outside of what... @Anonymous

    thanks so much for your kind words. I took your suggestion and asked my sister, but she didn't know anything. It was good to go over everything with her, though. thanks again.

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 5:29 am
    there may be a reason why your parents never told you anything, tho in my opinion, they should have told you when you reach a certain age. i bet the memory might be painful for them too. there are cases when a ... @Anon

    you give me information on so much I didn't know. thank you so so much.

    Izzy July 2, 2017 8:27 pm

    Thank you for sharing <3 I hope you find the answers you seek