Unpopular opinion coming through.

Kaito.Hat February 19, 2017 6:52 am

Okay, so I wasn't exactly the biggest fan of the m.c. It's not like I'm not used to seeing characters, especially main characters, being wary of homosexuality, but outright homophobia? It was a bit hard to get past--BUT--that's just my feelings on the matter, I'm not going to nitpick that aspect of the story.

I didn't like how the manga went about making him more "tolerant" towards homosexuality. Now, I'm all for sexual exploration and what not, but I felt it kind of cheapened the effects of the homophobia? I get it's a yaoi manga, I know it's going to be sex-heavy, but using it to dissuade him from discriminating against the LGBTQ? Surely there are better ways, Author-san.

The other characters also bothered me. I've never seen a cast of characters act so nonchalant towards sexual harassment. I hate how they'd just dismiss the sexual harassment the main character would experience in every. damn. chapter. How dare his coworkers blame him for defending himself???And to send him BACK to resolve the situation? I almost quit right then and there.

And it's like sexual harassment was coded as some sort of norm for the gay community. Because of this, I felt the author was trying to get us to forgive the m.c for his prejudice. The message being "Can you blame him for his discrimination when gays are like THAT?"

But despite my criticisms, I do (more or less) /like/ this manga. It has an interesting setup, it's a refreshing read. I just wish its concepts were handled better.

    Anna December 15, 2016 7:04 am

    Okay but you have to understand that he was almost raped twice by people who happened to be homosexual. The only thing he knows about them is that he is scared of them and they tried to rape him. So when he meets Tomiko he learns more about that and thus his aspect of the topic starts to change. He is still very traumatized tho
    His phobia is well justified in my onion.

    Kaito.Hat December 15, 2016 7:32 am
    Okay but you have to understand that he was almost raped twice by people who happened to be homosexual. The only thing he knows about them is that he is scared of them and they tried to rape him. So when he me... @Anna

    Yeah, sorry. I didn't word that bit correctly. I meant to say that I get where his prejudice comes from, I just didn't like how the author seemed to reaffirm his prejudice by making gays out to be exactly as he feared (e.g in the past molested by his senpai/in the present molested by his coworkers.)

    J Unleashed December 15, 2016 4:23 pm

    Keep in mind this yaoi is an indulgent fantasy and not a PSA aimed at excusing homophobia or changing attitudes toward or within the LGBTQ community. It's not meant to be realistic.

    The main character is a little shit. The seme is an asshole. It's a fun read (`ー´)

    Overcoming homophobia December 16, 2016 12:19 pm

    I actually like the concept that the author explores. How someone so homophobic can overcome their homophobia and even begin to work with people like drag queens and have relationships with queer people.

    Anonymous December 29, 2016 8:08 pm

    The mangaka is doing a terrible job with the plot... the plot seems like an excuse for light SM sexiness and fanservice