
His only good quality is that he made our couple become official but holy sh*t... He talks like he knew Doha since they're wearing pampers...
He talks like he really loves Doha, no my dude, that's infatuation talking... If he was unconventionally attractive, can you still say the same when you two first met?
Okay Dami pissed me tf off
He showed up and from day one was trying to insert himself into and break up their relationship, even when they were just friends which is just . . . Where does that kind of audacity come from??? He insists it's real love but he "fell in love" at first sight and instantly decided he could decide for Doha that Jun shouldn't be in his life or that he should be able to replace Jun. THIS WAS WHEN HE WAS STILL A COMPLETE STRANGER.
I know he didn't act super serious about it but it really just felt like Jun was always ganged up on and Doha never stood up for him and just laughed it off.
Most of it wasn't taken that seriously (but every offhanded comment trying to edge Jun out of the picture made my heart ache) but when Dami actually said a lot of out of line shit that actually hurt Jun, tanking his self esteem, he never really addressed or apologized for it properly.
I also wasn't a fan of the other friend who followed and outed them? For no reason?? And then acted like that was just his right to do so
Literally being like "my business is done here" once everything was out in the open, like the two of them were wrong for keeping a secret
And the idea that they had to be considerate of Dami just because he liked Doha, even tho it's not like Dami is a long time friend who liked Doha first (which is the only situation where i feel like that kind of consideration makes sense)
Jun and Doha had a long standing established relationship long before Dami even knew Doha, so I just don't understand why he or anyone else thinks he should have any say in their relationship, especially since he doesn't even act like a good friend as far as we can see
All we as the audience are shown is Dami talking about how he wants Doha's attention and wants Jun to fuck off, and obviously there has to be more to their friendship than that, because otherwise I really don't see why they'd interact with him at all . . .
But we the readers don't see any of that or anything or humanize Dami or make him likeable. Maybe his one sided crush is supposed to do that, but I just can't take it seriously when we aren't shown anything but his first encounter with Doha.
This is why Dami just felt like (to me) a nuisance at best and a toxic asshole at worst
I don't know, I can't understand why some readers seem to like him, so if someone with a different perspective could explain what they see in him to me, I'd actually really appreciate it <3