I dropped the story when it was still around 70 chapters. Although the story was good, I w...

Lade December 11, 2023 4:57 am

I dropped the story when it was still around 70 chapters. Although the story was good, I was not really into the artwork during those first 70 plus chapters. I really don't like how the chin was drawn im sorry! There's something really off about it for me. But this is just me. Good thing I decided to pick it up again and from around chapter 76 I think, you can considerably notice a lot of improvement. And the story just kept getting better too. So if you're thinking of dropping it, don't. The relationships between the 2 couples make you want to get a girlfriend too. Lmao.

    Lade December 11, 2023 5:02 am

    P. S. The censorship even on the kiss scenes is annoying, honestly. But it's not the author's fault I know. It's just frustrating sometimes. Uugh China.