
Heu77 December 11, 2023 4:38 am

I thought seme didn’t do anything wrong, so what if he did reject the uke? He can’t? He had his reasons and he was a teen back then, he was afraid. That’s more than valid reason. He’s not a red flag there.

Uke is the nasty one. Sleeping around isn’t the nasty part, he’s an adult so I don’t care, but he should’ve informed the seme of what was gonna go down in the hotel with the other dude. And then he has the audacity to get jealous of the seme’s ex just speaking with seme after telling the seme to not get the wrong idea, etc.

Both are idiots. Personally if I were the seme, I wouldn’t stoop that low to get back someone I rejected for a reason. Seme was also being a bit too much.
