actually cancer inducing comments

Min December 11, 2023 4:16 am

actually cancer inducing comments

    Bear December 11, 2023 4:20 am

    it makes me wonder what they actually learnt in school because no way they passed elementary level schooling with such godawful reading comprehension skills

    Min December 11, 2023 4:25 am
    it makes me wonder what they actually learnt in school because no way they passed elementary level schooling with such godawful reading comprehension skills Bear

    this! i was reading through the story again and it's so strange to me that people don't understand siwoo ISN'T a reliable narrator. he assumes the worst of dohyeok immediately because he doesn't have a good impression of him. but you as the reader know that dohyeok actually wasn't going to "drug and rape" the 20 year old at the hotel room. he didn't even know it was going to be a 20 year old, youngwu sent him! but because siwoo assumes dohyeok is a creepy pedo, the brainless readers also assume that?? hello? i swear i have never come upon dumber, hoiler than thou readers in any other manga before. why are they all congregating here

    Min December 11, 2023 4:27 am

    also doesn't escape my notice that it's always 3 downvotes on comments that are positive towards dohyeok. so it's these 3 hoiler than thou cunts with zero reading comprehension and a whole lot of preaching. these dumbasses are constantly making shit up; now they're calling dohyeok a stalker. i wonder if they're going to call him a kidnapper, cannibal etc etc next?

    Bear December 11, 2023 4:31 am
    this! i was reading through the story again and it's so strange to me that people don't understand siwoo ISN'T a reliable narrator. he assumes the worst of dohyeok immediately because he doesn't have a good imp... Min

    it's because dohyeok was the antagonist in the main story and a "narcissistic trashbag" so they have convinced themselves that whatever happens is his fault and it he is wronged then he deserved that. i swear trying to have a conversion with such low IQ people is a massive waste of time.

    Bear December 11, 2023 4:33 am
    also doesn't escape my notice that it's always 3 downvotes on comments that are positive towards dohyeok. so it's these 3 hoiler than thou cunts with zero reading comprehension and a whole lot of preaching. the... Min

    who did he even stalk lmao he just went to give tge scarf back in the last chapter, and before that he went to siwoo's place/bar because siwoo kept ghosting him.

    Min December 11, 2023 4:41 am
    it's because dohyeok was the antagonist in the main story and a "narcissistic trashbag" so they have convinced themselves that whatever happens is his fault and it he is wronged then he deserved that. i swear t... Bear

    the mental gymnastics these people go through to justify dohyeok's rape and trauma but turn around and cry about suha's trauma is so funny. the cognitive dissonance is real. like babe just say you don't like dohyeok and seeing him get raped and traumatized make you happy and go along with your day. easier than pretending like you give a shit about suha's apparent rape and siwoo because it was never really about them, it's all about dohyeok. these people are so obsessed with dohyeok it makes me wonder of they're all actually just siwoo wearing different costumes

    Bear December 11, 2023 4:49 am
    the mental gymnastics these people go through to justify dohyeok's rape and trauma but turn around and cry about suha's trauma is so funny. the cognitive dissonance is real. like babe just say you don't like do... Min

    the number of people casually admitting to have a rape fetish on here is really something lol

    ♡ skin like peaches ♡ December 11, 2023 6:29 am

    Idgaf if they jump me for this: opulentswan had the reading comprehension of a peanut.

    We can hate Dohyeok for what he did to Suha without justifying his “friends” r@ping him and Siwoo assaulting him during intimacy. Seeing them laugh about it and dismiss this poorly executed ending as a “simple unhappy ending” pissed me off so much. There are so many ways the author can punish the characters while also giving closure.

    Also notice how they rarely mention what Siwoo did to Dohyeok compared to vice versa? If Dohyeok is going to have a tragedy, so should Siwoo for even drugging him KNOWING HIS FRIEND SUHA ALREADY HAD TRAUMA FROM IT.

    Min December 11, 2023 6:49 am
    Idgaf if they jump me for this: opulentswan had the reading comprehension of a peanut.We can hate Dohyeok for what he did to Suha without justifying his “friends” r@ping him and Siwoo assaulting him during ... ♡ skin like peaches ♡

    their comments is what made me comment this they're so annoying.
    "notice how they rarely mention what Siwoo did to Dohyeok compared to vice versa?" exactly. it's because they wanna make siwoo out to be an innocent victim who is way too good for dohyeok and dohyeok out to be a horrible piss stain of a person. neither dohyeok nor siwoo are good people. but their hatred of dohyeok runs so deep they can't fathom the idea that maybe siwoo is a piece of shit instigator as well. no, siwoo HAS to be a pure victim. like i said, none of this would've happened if siwoo didn't assault and rape dohyeok that night.
    their understanding of the ending is like that of a toddler: completely surface level. they don't even want to understand why people are dissatisfied with the ending, a lot of whom are people who didn't want sihyeok to end up together. apparently it's totally valid to completely destroy a story and its characters as long as the "big bad guy" gets punished. i wish i were that naive.

    YaoiIsLife00 December 11, 2023 1:39 pm

    I dowvoted you by mistake I'm sorry