another bs (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ after all that abused and rape uke still have feeli...

ayatoes December 10, 2023 5:11 pm

another bs (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ after all that abused and rape uke still have feelings for that mf seme like whaaaat?!? and they still end up with each other! puryagaba nalang jud.

    Hugu December 10, 2023 5:21 pm

    I think it's because uke thinks he deserved the punishment since he was also terrible to Raphael that's why he didn't really hate the seme.

    Ana jud dai, maka buang ang gugma mao di magpalabi

    JustCallMeApple December 10, 2023 11:41 pm

    What Hugu said, he really felt that he deserves the punishment that he caused Klopp’s suffering, that Klopp would have been happier if he didn’t commit that crime. That Klopp was originally kind but Aelock turned him into this monster.

    In arc 2, Aelock’s regression, so only he remembers. He tries to pair Klopp and Rapiel because he really felt that he owes them that. It was Klopp who realizes that, I am in love with Aelock, and chases Aelock.

    In arc 3, Klopp’s regression, so only he remembers. After being in a hell without Aelock, he knew what he wanted so he pursues the Aelock of that world. The Aelock of that world has no idea, so for him, Klopp was a financial advisor he needed, who wanted to pursue him as a lover.

    Both OG’s from world 1 will never meet anymore, but meet the same partners without any involvement or memories from world 1. Well Klopp dreams of world 1 but it’s the imprinting established in world 1 that affects him.