exactly, he even said in chapter 76 that he held onto YO excepting HIM to want something more...why should HE instead of Kwon? He didn't want to let go so he should fight for him as well! He just needs to be honest, he knows how desperate YO was (and still is) so he needs to man up and show his own love & desperation for it to work as well!

I'm not sure but I think the only thing that could convince YO is to see the desperation of Kwon, how much he wants him back, not just as a favor or as a way to atone for his presumed guilt. Kwon needs to be honest and greedy for once, taking action because of love and nothing else. In Chapter 78 his heart was almost swayed but he's afraid of being hurt again and ending up with a one sided crush again so I don't think its impossible for them to get together in the end if Kwon is really willing to change.
Could be, either we will see a grand finale or It's gonna happen slowly which would be rather in style of eeej, like both not stopping to think of each other but Kwon being busy with everything going on until they meet again. We may even see a time skip which I truly hope we won't. I just need to see Kwon cry and beg and hold onto YO with everything he got!! I can't wait to see their story come to a happy conclusion but I'm also kinda sad.
I just read chapter 78 and I wanna cry, I love how YO carried himself during the conversation, he's tired of being hurt and in pain. He even said that he likes him too but Kwon wouldn't even say he liked him even as he begged in the past....painfully true.
He even cried and picked up smoking, I feel so incredibly sad for him...
I just hope Kwon will still take the first step!! It shouldn't be YO who does, who cares about pride and keeping that promise, FIGHT for your man!! As desperately as YO has always been while Owning rejected him.
I'm so angry and hurt that YO needs to suffer like this.
Please I need happiness in this again, I'm begging!