as a woman in cs that incel-y cs guy was triggering…author made it a little too realisti...

ikigai December 10, 2023 12:51 am

as a woman in cs that incel-y cs guy was triggering…author made it a little too realistic lmao also i honestly don’t get the lowkey slut shaming garam is doing towards jaehyuk?? like my guy you’re the one who said you wanted to end things and you were just sex buddies with the guy. if he wants to sleep around with people who want to sleep around with him what’s the problem?

    pixeiw December 10, 2023 11:11 am

    feel like he's saying that to convince himself that jaehyuk's feelings for him aren't deep and so he doesn't regret breaking up with someone like him even tho he himself is starting to have feelings or already has them but is in denial