He is is not stupid he is desperate. His baby need energy to live and it's dying coro is gone and no one is giving any kind of information to him. He just wants to save his child who he has no knowledge on how to raise because well it's only half human half God.
If you where a parent with no information on how to raise a god what would you do? Any normal person would go to someone that might seem they will give you information on how to do it or even assist you with it

It's true that he is doing this for his kid, and yes, I would do anything to save my loved ones. However, if I am in enemy territory(when I say enemy i mean the sense that coro told him his brother was no good), my attitude wouldn't be so relaxed. The way they are portraying the uke, its as if he is falling for the brothers charms not someone who is distrustful, but willing to put up with it for his kin

I get it, he's desperate, I will also do that BUT with proper cautiousness. I was informed by my lover that he hated them to the core, no one helped him throughout his childhood and that already speaks volume. He's clueless about what's going on but the fact that the brother offered 'taking things to the next level' is already quite alarming. I would be mega sus about it, and I'll be constantly asking about my lover who's clearly MIA now, and the only thing they said is it's too dangerous too see him? They can make him see Coro from afar if it's dangerous and they can always be there to be his protector if something happened but they always shut him down by saying it's dangerous and I will be utterly sus about it.

Yeah coro hates them to the core and he has mentioned what they did to them. But what now stay at home and see how little by little your child dies? As a mother a sacrifice has to be made so they can live. It's a risk move but a hospital won't work. How he is going to do something he can't pop in and out of the gods real to save his son and husband. The only link to this world is the same people that abandon your husband to die.
But if that's a stupid move why don't you suggest what's the best thing to do then? Hmm? Because calling someone stupid and not offering solution won't validate anything that you are saying.
The fact that Kuroo doesn't trust anyone says something but the uke kept on being stupid, if he decided to cross the line, I'm dropping this.