i like the concept, but i wish the characters were a little more developed and the pacing ...

sapphics_lover December 8, 2023 9:29 am

i like the concept, but i wish the characters were a little more developed and the pacing feels kind of rushed

    Turnin the Friggin Frogs Gay December 8, 2023 11:59 am

    I get what you mean. I still rate this very highly, but I'd be super happy if they slowed down a bit to spend more time on character interactions and stuff. Characters tend to be the core of a lot of zombie stories in general, after all.

    Turnin the Friggin Frogs Gay December 8, 2023 12:00 pm
    I get what you mean. I still rate this very highly, but I'd be super happy if they slowed down a bit to spend more time on character interactions and stuff. Characters tend to be the core of a lot of zombie sto... Turnin the Friggin Frogs Gay

    To add onto my other reply, I absolutely love these characters and their dynamic, so it's obvious I'd want to see them interacting even more lol