
Canah UwU December 7, 2023 4:33 am

, this is good, I've re-read this many times but the more I think about it, the more Mielle could potentially be a good person and a good sister to Aria if it weren't only for her maids, she's a child like Aria, And Aria too got manipulated by the adults around her that she in the past life orders to cut off Jessie's tongue. Mielle is like how old? Sixteen? Seventeen? And Aria is living her second life as a twenty four years old while mielle is still thirteen, that age is so easy to be influence and manipulate I'm not saying What mielle did to Aria in her past life isn't wrong, Aria has the right to get revenge.
And of course the author made mielle looks so stupid probably because she's still young in the current timeline who's been raising by a maid who's bad influencing her to become a spoil brat.

I would honestly like to read in another universes where Aria and Mielle can be a good sisters

    Elle Aline March 27, 2024 9:33 pm

    Honestly I agree, the author really messed up with mielle imo. Realistically it's just as you said but apparently the author doesn't see it that way, else mielle wouldn't have been getting progressively worse and sadistic for no reason