
I will drop this if they ever cheat on their wives. Like, if they have s*x with someone else's body... It'll be so devastating. I want at least their bodies to be loyal to each other. I still hate ayeon for trying to have s*x with Dr. Cha tho. JUST STAY LOYAL! YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYBODY YOU SELFISH GIRL!
I love dohee's and her husband's relationship. They're honest with each other except for the s*x part. I love everything about their relationship. Actually Dr. Cha could've been a nice husband if only ayeon treated him right. I think even though ayeon went through all that shit in her past, her actions is not justified. I hate her personality and her mindset. It's frustrating me so much. I pity Jeongdo though, he doesn't deserve any if this. He's such a perfect husband.