please remind me

Yanyang December 5, 2023 4:02 pm

Al is a girl right? is all of them knew about it or not? why is Al dressing like a boy? thank youuu

    Ashlay Tan December 5, 2023 4:48 pm

    How to explain this, she was force to take a potion to prevent her from looking like a girl since small and she have to dress like a boy also. Since the household, her household has a traditional of having a man and a woman as heir one after the other, and to secure the succession of her step-sister in this generation ( a woman) she has to be the boy.
    I think they know Al is a girl, but she's still adapt to her new found identity so they're taking it slowly.
    I hope I make sense, if not, you could read it again because I did... Hehe

    CuddleQuill December 18, 2023 6:13 am

    Chandy of the Binah and now the uncle know that Alcheris is a girl, although the purple-haired short guy guessed her gender without Alcheris saying so (during the school arc). As far as I know, those three are the only ones who know our MC's true gender. But maybe her father knows, too?? I don't remember if Alcheris mentioned that he knew. (And I am caught up on the translated chapters.)