See, that's my feeling too, though I am holding out hope it isn't because it leaves many strings hanging with the other couples. I can picture Jaerim taking part time jobs for Yuri as he goes to university first on scholarship, coming out to his family, and maybe the two of them eventually reaching a point where the relationship doesn't hurt anymore. I also want to see Dunno's relationship become crystal clear. I want Aerak to admit he was the fat kid his lover scorned and change his vain perspective of people. There is just so much potential still here.
i was curious so i was looking for the original raws and it was listed on baka updates that the story its completed and there are some side stories that are ongoing... so the 82 its the final of the main couple? if its like that its pretty sad, i see the raws and i feel they could give us more relationship and sweet moments, because it was all dramaaaa and more dramaaa.... and i want to know what are they gonna do when they enter university :'( i hope someone could answer me...