Man this creator knows how to make me annoyed. Most authors have a special for the one year anniversary but this one like surprise let me give you nothing. Oh and by the way i know it’s been a year but we are far far away from having the couple have their happy moments it’s still gonna be an angsty torturous mess. Like come on mingwa
god i hope Mingwa drags this on for soooooooo long that we can observe how long the haters will endure until they actually stop reading LMAO you're like a social experiment
god i hope Mingwa drags this on for soooooooo long that we can observe how long the haters will endure until they actually stop reading LMAO you're like a social experiment flowrains
god i hope Mingwa drags this on for soooooooo long that we can observe how long the haters will endure until they actually stop reading LMAO you're like a social experiment flowrains
god i hope Mingwa drags this on for soooooooo long that we can observe how long the haters will endure until they actually stop reading LMAO you're like a social experiment flowrains
Honestly u must be retarded if u misunderstand my comment but im not surprised if u like this story ur life must be full of disappointments that ur used to
god i hope Mingwa drags this on for soooooooo long that we can observe how long the haters will endure until they actually stop reading LMAO you're like a social experiment flowrains
"I enjoy reading about a dude abusing and raping an innocent guy who's already going through enough shit already just because I like seeing the ones who don't enjoy this shit leave comments about it", you ate!
Man this creator knows how to make me annoyed. Most authors have a special for the one year anniversary but this one like surprise let me give you nothing. Oh and by the way i know it’s been a year but we are far far away from having the couple have their happy moments it’s still gonna be an angsty torturous mess. Like come on mingwa