Tbh they're both at fault. She should have heard him out when her father died. Bluntly assuming it was Siyun was weak for someone who claims to be his girlfriend. I mean, wheres the trust...? On the other hand we all know Siyun is a handful, not able to control his feelings. Jeongmin might have lost all her nerves by now, waiting for him to get a grip. Ahhh I don't know anymore. Whose side to take? I just don't want Siyun to be hurt....he has been going through so much shit...

she waited for his response. re read the chapter and you’ll see she asked him to explain himself. even in this chester he still said he killed her dad. it’s not about her not trusting him it’s about him not giving her anything to trust. how are you going to believe someone who doesn’t even believe themselves? and it’s not just him who’s been through a lot.
honestly fuck jeongmin