i really like the main couple

levipleasecallmeback December 4, 2023 8:40 pm

they communicate their feelings, make their intentions clear, and despite their hardships they chose to be open and vulnerable about their past trauma/life. their story is so fluff, and makes miscommunication arcs look like a joke lmao. i love when characters don’t try to be secretive since it makes the love interest misunderstand

the way they got together reminds me of an adult josei manga too, but healthy

    levipleasecallmeback December 4, 2023 8:44 pm

    im also just a sucker for the main character. hes so kind and hardworking despite everything thats happened to him, so i like that this love is easy and he doesn’t have to do all the emotional labor. its like he only truly relaxes with the ml, and gets the pampering he needs