Not like I mind this but I'm just thinking everytime that I visit this manga that if we we...

Ani December 4, 2023 8:04 am

Not like I mind this but I'm just thinking everytime that I visit this manga that if we were to reverse the situation and it was a male alpha (17 years old) being in love with a female omega (8 years old) and saying he wants to do it and that, I think people will have more violent reactions about this and would even think that the author is sick in the head and should be in jail for writing suggestive child pornography, I don't know, children in explicit contents even in fictional stories are most of the people's bottomline, I think, and glorifying these themes instead of using it to give awareness is just feeding a borderline pedophile whose about to lose it their sexual fantasies. I hope there's a way so they can get restricted for such content but internet is free, as long as you can access on these things, your sanity is your responsibility, and if you lose it and did it in real life, then you are weak brain and should be punished by law

    PLS, DON'T TELL MY MOM December 12, 2023 6:25 pm

    Yeah, imo it's because people don't really think "the omega" can rape someone :) Imagine a woman talking to a lonely little boy and then a man talking to a lonely little girl. The first one is "oh, such a good person" and the second "call the police". It's because the seme/man is seen as the one more powerful and dangerous (and it's usually true). Anyway, fiction is fiction, and porn is just porn, it's not hurting anyone. It's not like if you watch movies about murder you're gonna start murdering people (unless you were sick in the beginning).

    Ani December 12, 2023 6:34 pm
    Yeah, imo it's because people don't really think "the omega" can rape someone :) Imagine a woman talking to a lonely little boy and then a man talking to a lonely little girl. The first one is "oh, such a good ... PLS, DON'T TELL MY MOM

    Yeah! That's my whole point! If people are sick in the head there should be a way to restrict them from these contents or it'll just provokr them to do ot

    Ani December 12, 2023 6:37 pm
    Yeah, imo it's because people don't really think "the omega" can rape someone :) Imagine a woman talking to a lonely little boy and then a man talking to a lonely little girl. The first one is "oh, such a good ... PLS, DON'T TELL MY MOM

    We couldn't just say fiction is fiction and feel reassured that everything will stay in fiction because not everyone have them same mental capacity to handle something, though also it shouldn't be your responsibility but theirs

    PLS, DON'T TELL MY MOM December 12, 2023 11:16 pm

    I mean, you're right, but I don't think there's a way to solve that problem, so I'm just trying not to care that much...