SASHA>>>>>>> that blond thing who I forgot it's name.

hyein long hair December 3, 2023 11:58 pm

YES MORE SASHA SCREEN TIME. And that blond boy needs to be ERADICATED off in this series. Like he's developing creepy, weird, abnormal obsession over the FL like EEWWWWW YUCKSS. What we want is NO ML, and MORE FOCUS ON FL's FAMILY.

    plinky25 December 4, 2023 11:50 am

    Your childishness is yuck. Please kindly exit the story because you’re clearly not understanding it and having a very biased and negative mindset. You’re mad because he’s acting like a normal CHILD. There is no OBSESSION. He’s a kid that was neglected and no longer has his parents around so now he wants to be friends with others. It’s odd that because he’s unrelated, you think he’s obsessive. You realize the ones who act obsessive are similar to her brother, sister, and dad?? They all do the same thing which is approach her 24/7. You only see the boy differently cause you got some weird bias. The only immature one is you, some much more OLDER THAN THE LITTLE CHILD YOU HATE acting childish and insane with no intelligence or sympathy.
    He’s acting like a normal kid and I KNOW everyone was a brat at some point as a kid and also had people they didn’t want to be friends with. That is normal child behavior.