Lmao imagine ignoring the trigger warning TWICE, reading about it, and then proceeds to go to the comment section complaining about it? Purity culture is so retarded and annoying at this point.
Hating rape isn't about purity cultureHating sex as a whole is puritan culture DaddyMilkers
youre right, hating rape isnt about purity culture, but i think what op was getting at is people who read warnings, proceed and then come and complain about it are annoying. (purity culture isnt the right term tho)
youre right, hating rape isnt about purity culture, but i think what op was getting at is people who read warnings, proceed and then come and complain about it are annoying. (purity culture isnt the right term ... sapphics_lover
Lmao imagine ignoring the trigger warning TWICE, reading about it, and then proceeds to go to the comment section complaining about it? Purity culture is so retarded and annoying at this point.