
I'm with you on this. First, they complained about Jooin being submissive, stupid and he allowed them to treat him however they wanted and now they complain about he being portrayed more humane and trying to build some character (If it were one of the tops, we would have a lot more patience with him, that's for sure).
I am team Cain, but Jooin also deserves a little respect for everything he has suffered and still he tries to put all his shit together, I think.
Also, everyone keeps complaining the story keeps dragging on unnecessarily, but here we are reading religiously every update.
I see so many people shit talking Jooin, and hey Imma be honest I was upset with his decisions a lot of the time, but I understood from where he was standing. So unsure about the choices he makes really goes more into depth of his character and I love when we get to see the troubles of human nature. I'm rooting for Jooin and Cain, but whatever Jooin decides is best for him, that includes going solo, is the side I'm really on. Also a lot of y'all being real nasty and ugly about this story and the Author. If it gets people riled up, then I believe it's a wonderful story!