So I'm intrigued..

RTYSTIK1 December 12, 2016 6:11 am

did the brother leave w/o a word? or cruelly dump him...i mean he was a whole lot of angry to just have been dumped. I really hope Hodaka isn't a crazy b**** cause right now he really is giving off those vibes

    manganiME December 13, 2016 12:51 am

    It seems to me he broke up so that he could work and take care of his brother (seems like he was working 7 days a week and gave up his own social life to be a "dad" to his brother). That makes sense of the "give your brother back to me" comment.

    RTYSTIK1 December 13, 2016 1:47 am
    It seems to me he broke up so that he could work and take care of his brother (seems like he was working 7 days a week and gave up his own social life to be a "dad" to his brother). That makes sense of the "giv... manganiME

    well yeah i figured that much..but looking at how Hodaka reacted, it wasn't a simple "i can't believe you didn't give us a chance to make it work" or "i'm angry with you but still love you"..that's why i was wondering if he's just lowkey nuts or the brother really did him wrong

    manganiME December 13, 2016 3:06 am
    well yeah i figured that much..but looking at how Hodaka reacted, it wasn't a simple "i can't believe you didn't give us a chance to make it work" or "i'm angry with you but still love you"..that's why i was wo... RTYSTIK1

    I assumed it was built up frustration and anger. I mean, you get dumped, the person never comes to your shows, doesn't return your mail, etc. Basically, just cuts you out of th eir life, and now you finally see them and all those emotions hit you in the gut. So, he hit him, too. :D

    RTYSTIK1 December 13, 2016 3:37 am

    true it could be, i mean he was scary though lol even the big brother looked liked he thought he was going to be killed haha i just hope the photographer is a good guy is all..and that he wasn't crazy or nothing to make the brother think twice about his and his lil' bro's safety cause he definitely has the makings of a stalker lol