Nothing new, easy skip for experienced readers.

amigos December 2, 2023 3:15 am

I like the trope with the mc since I was looking for this but Maura feels like a wasted character. She’s supposed to be one of the best sorcerer of the capital? I liked her in the start, but since she followed the mc she became an overshadowed companion of mc. They do not complement each other, she just became generic. She’s there to be there, she gives boob fanservice, blushing faces, cute jealousy, hit the mc for tsundere fan service and tsukkomi nag/bashes for small comedic purpose. That’s all. Absolutely nothing new for experienced readers.
On top of that, all the relevant characters being females, it just feels like everything is there for fan service.

If there is romance tho, for now I hope he can meet the princess so they can have a great time sharing their common aesthetic senses, that absolutely everyone bashes them about.

    Frickfrack June 3, 2024 6:12 am

    Honestly I feel the same way. I'm very frustrated because it's like a will they won't they situation and I'm like . MC is like so obsessed with his work of making cursed objects that thinking about having a relationship with another person is inconceivable. Like honestly, the reason why their relationship isn't getting anywhere is because she's petty and doesn't know how to straight up say, "I like you like you". Honestly, love the MC he's just a nerd who loves what he does. Maura may understand that the MC is obsessed with cursed objects, but it doesn't seem like she understands that he not just obsessed with cursed objects. MC has a pure unadulterated love for cursed objects and the artform of making them. Which I mean isn't a bad thing for a character, but for a love interest it's just not really compatible in my mind. It's like she's trying to fix him to have common sense man. MC is a lost cause when it comes to common sense.

    I'm also rooting for the princess. I love nerds being with other nerds.