THIS IS WHY SCREENSHOTS ARE USEFUL girl played herself, not knowing i'd long ago posted several times about Dohyeok being a shit ass person but their story being interesting because it's toxic. Damn girl tried to take a moral high ground and revealed she thinks Siwoo is a poor poor victim :( You heard it here from @H0SEOK, a dear Hoseok stan, it's okay to fuck someone while they're unconscious if they are a bad person! Her justification on how to rape someone without being a bad person~

girl is trying so hard to pretend she didn't just call a rapist a victim that she's making up things that can easily be proven wrong by checking my profile~~
@H0SEOK: Siwoo is a victim. Ik he raped Dohyeok but Dohyeok is a bad person so it's OKAY!
"Did you just condone rape"
@H0SEOK: OMGGGG U WANNA GRAPE MY IDOL WAA WAA U HATE THE ENDING gwA GWA ha AH they didnT gEt toGeTHer (other nonsense to hide that she's a rape lover)

@H0SEOK by the way, the difference between you and me is that i openly say i like the story because it's dark and toxic, you act like you're morally righteous when you literally thought of a guy raping a man while unconscious as solely a victim. go ask Hoseok what's the definition of rape on his next vlive when he's out of the army, his fan needs reeducation~

LMAO THE SWITCH UP IS SO FUNNY i literally have screenshots of all the times you defended Siwoo and girlie wants to switch up and pretend she's so against rape. girl if you were in a room with me i'd get the fuck out of there and evacuate everyone right away. anyway remember to ask Hoseok when he's out of the army what rape means, maybe they should have classes for Hoseok fans?!
I'm asking this sincerely...how do people like the secondary couple? The friend was there with Suha all through the entire situation with the toxic ex. He knows how awful he was he saw the physical and emotional damage. How can he be with Dohyeok? Like does Suha find out? That'd be so traumatizing and would feel like a betrayal, no? Or is Suha not a factor in this when both parties of the side story only met because of the damage Dohyeok did to Suha. I just needed to get it off my chest and ask because this couple really doesn't make sense to me or why people like them if they know what Dohyeok was like in the main story.