oof. this 'partnership' might end in 2 ways

Teeth December 1, 2023 1:02 pm

the king, not being a dumbass, acknowledges Roman's absolute MC plot armor and becomes a steadfast ally against the aristocratic faction and valhalla to preserve his own position as king


that, but also he gets power paranoid crazy and once Roman's done consolidating the power's of Kairo, he becomes insecure and tries to betray Roman-which Roman expects with his dealings with succession- and he teams up with previous enemy country with the redheaded prince to crush the king, and it'll be made to look like a justified retribution to the citizens of kairo.

i'm overthinking so hard i need spoilers

    baby December 8, 2023 10:33 am


    i’ve read the novel and i’m pretty sure the king and dmitri will continue to be partners. i kinda forgot but after this, roman will continue to conquer the world.