People pls stop exaggerating so much. 1. Hyoun does not have a child's mind at this point...

YaoiIsLife December 1, 2023 12:29 am

People pls stop exaggerating so much.

1. Hyoun does not have a child's mind at this point. He's already been with Taehyuk for 10 years. He's more like late teens. Even then, human age doesn't even really apply to him when he can literally skip aging as he pleases.

2. He's not acting like a child right now. He's acting like a virgin. He's literally someone who has zero knowledge or experience with sex education. Someone like that is gonna act like this. Him also being a dragon that experiences rut like an animal does only adds to the complication.

3. It was never a father-son relationship. You only saw that because of Hyoun appearing like a child before. Taehyuk has never called Hyoun his son. Although yes, he did say he feels like a parent, that's only natural when you raise someone for so long. Even then, he always refers to himself as Hyoun's guardian, never a stepfather. And Hyoun never viewed Taehyuk as his father. He only viewed Taehyuk as his most beloved and most trustworthy human, which steadily developed into romantic feelings.

Sometimes I feel like we're reading different manhwas.

    Medusa December 1, 2023 12:34 am


    kuriglavo December 1, 2023 7:13 am

    it’s just like, y was any of this necessary in the first place??? there’s a billion other domestic conflicts between 2 adults. maybe there’s a language barrier because hyoun has never met any humans. maybe taehyun is useless in the forest because he’s a city boy. maybe taehyun forms a friendship with a dragon, and the big reveal is that hyoun was the dragon all along. anyways,

    1. the issue isn’t hyoun’s actual age, but how taehyun perceives him.

    2. biological imperative is kinda dubcon anyway, and causes hyoun to ignore taehyun’s nonconsent. (a problem with BL in general)

    3. if taehyun sees himself as a parent, then he sees their relationship as father-son (parent-child) adjacent. again, the perception of the characters is more important than the perception of the reader.

    the premise wasn’t problematic relationship dynamics, it was reincarnated dragon soulmates. the author decided to shove pseudo-incest age gap dubcon for no reason, so of course people are upset.

    YaoiIsLife December 1, 2023 8:54 am
    it’s just like, y was any of this necessary in the first place??? there’s a billion other domestic conflicts between 2 adults. maybe there’s a language barrier because hyoun has never met any humans. mayb... kuriglavo

    I think this was okay because this shows not only Hyoun's origins, but also why Hyoun is so distrustful with other humans and is only fiercely loyal and devoted to Taehyuk alone.

    "maybe there’s a language barrier because hyoun has never met any humans."
    - The language barrier issue is already fixed after Hyoun's interaction with the past abusive villagers.

    "maybe taehyun is useless in the forest because he’s a city boy."
    - Taehyuk's character has always been competent.

    1. And you think he still see him as a child when he literally saw him grow up and big in the 10 years he raised him? Taehyuk literally tried to marry off Hyoun.

    Also, Hyoun's actual age is literally what most people's issue are.

    2. This chapter is only showing Hyoun attempting to penetrate Taehyuk. Let's wait for the next chapter what happens next and reserve the judgment till then. Even then, only Taehyuk's opinion matters. Not the readers.

    3. Read my point 3 again. I've said at Taehyuk never saw himself as Hyoun's father, only as a guardian, he said it himself. He only said at some points that he felt kinda like a parent, as I've explained before, but never his actual parent. And Hyoun never perceived Taehyuk as his parent. Only as his caretaker and someone he can trust. That are their perceptions. What you said are more like the readers perceptions.

    Pseudo-incest is still not actual incest. They don't even share the same family name here, Hyoun was never adopted. People just chose to still feel it as incest.

    Age-gap is pointless in this case.

    People are upset because they still want to pursue the idea that this is just apparently pedophilia incest.