A few people in these comments, telling him to force it down her throat, are the same peop...

Catscratch November 30, 2023 6:42 pm

A few people in these comments, telling him to force it down her throat, are the same people who would send death threats to the idols they hate and become psychopaths, ultimately doing the exact same thing. I love seeing hypocrites. So fun.

    Yurachka December 1, 2023 7:03 am

    Lol are okay in the head

    Sky December 1, 2023 3:24 pm
    this is dumb. holding a real attempted assault vs fictional attempted assault to the same level is stupid. watch out for this person bc they're fully capable of anything if they think like this, you're just pro... 36°C

    What are you on? Your response is actually gross. In no way was I projecting. Learn the definition of words before you throw them around. If you had read my entire response you'd know I was just saying how some people are upright typing/saying the most vile things online and then tacking "it was a joke" or "it doesn't matter since it's about someone fictional" to excuse what they said. It was an observation. Not me projecting.

    Sky December 1, 2023 3:39 pm
    Indeed. As an add on, there is a saying that goes... behind every joke there is some truth. Try googling it. It's pretty interesting.If anyone's interested, there's a book on the psychoanalysis on jokes and hum... Catscratch

    Thanks for giving an honest response. I get tired if people acting ignorant when they watch anime and read manga which is littered with weird troupes that are actually prevalent in Japanese society. Manhwa and Manhua also has some weird troupes but not as common as sis-con, bro-con, pedophilia, SA, etc in manga/anime. Yet a lot of people justify authors sexualizing these things so much bc it's fictional and/or it's not like the author is actually doing it. Yet there are a lot of mangaka's that have committed such crimes. There's a lot more I could type but it's too much. (BTW I don't mind serious topics like those in a manga when it's not sexualized and downplayed)

    Anyways, people should read up on how your brain doesn't know when you're joking too. It's actually pretty interesting.

    Sky December 1, 2023 3:40 pm
    Indeed. As an add on, there is a saying that goes... behind every joke there is some truth. Try googling it. It's pretty interesting.If anyone's interested, there's a book on the psychoanalysis on jokes and hum... Catscratch

    Honestly most things don't upset me until children are involved in fiction.

    Catscratch December 7, 2023 4:41 pm
    LMAOO bros tryna shift the blame now that hes embarassed!! You need a serious reality check, my guy. moonomu

    Yes. You need a serious reality check. I agree.Try therapy maybe. I wish you all the best.