Just bc it's fiction doesn't make it right to say those kinds of things. If they can say it about a fictional character they can say it about someone in rl. It's not that far a reach. Plus anything can be justified if you sat "its just fiction" or "it was just a joke".
I'm not trying to argue just wanted to tack on another train of though. I get that it's not super serious but people are really getting out of hand with what they post online. It's crazy honestly. If they said these things outlook they'd be put on a watch list (that or they'd be given the grippy socks lol)
Indeed. As an add on, there is a saying that goes... behind every joke there is some truth. Try googling it. It's pretty interesting.
If anyone's interested, there's a book on the psychoanalysis on jokes and humour called Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious by Sigmund Freud.
(Not directed at you specifically. I just saw an opportunity to tag on this stuff lol)
A few people in these comments, telling him to force it down her throat, are the same people who would send death threats to the idols they hate and become psychopaths, ultimately doing the exact same thing. I love seeing hypocrites. So fun.