I think from the alabasta arc honestly. it was truly like genuinely WHY haven't they done anything till now? it felt like they literally let that shit slide. or romance dawn with buggy. like since baroque works I knew there was sum fishiness up, when they pick and choose which people to cast aside and allow to run the world rampant.

Yeah, for me, even then I was thinking, “oh they just don’t care” or they’re following higher up orders (and a lot are just following orders) When the CD came in, they were just spoilt brats. The five elders really cemented it for me. They didn’t just “not care” they thought less of humans, believe them to be scum.

definitely water 7 and enies lobby arcs -- with such a big plot twist of CP9 trying to murder a good man for simply having too much influence and then the backstory of robin and how the WG is just hiding war crimes (lost 100 years or whatever it's called) and killing off anyone who asks questions -- how could you not question the WG for putting such a large bounty on a child for simply existing
Sure, they were the antagonists to our Luffy so it was natural for us to hate them, they were the opposers to the MC’s freedom. But in the beginning that’s all they were.
Setting aside the “all government agencies are corrupt trope ingrained into us so we’re suspicious of them from the get go”, at what point did you realise the WG were lead soulless monsters?
It’s not even about their “bottom line” to fight the pirates. These guys are truly sadistic.