Give it a chance

MuQing'sBroom November 29, 2023 7:25 pm

Pretty surprised to see the comments on Lover Boy because to me it's still a great story. Yes the plot is heavy with miscommunication, ridiculously frustrating characters and the toxicity of how Jaeha is a literal walking, breathing red light during the story but has anyone wondered whether it's actually on purpose? If it hasn't hit, it is actually pretty intentional because it's a huge conflict of the story? I don't think at any point in the story that toxicity was portrayed positively: That Jaeha is clearly emotionally unavailable and that their relationship is very one-sided.

I've read enough BLs where the red flags are treated as the 'oh well that happened but not like it was that bad' but this is the one that hasn't done that. The relationship is meant to be intentionally unhealthy at the start so please hold on because the development of the characters is really nice. I'm so glad that it isn't rushed just for the sake of completing the story like so many other BLs.

Personally, a huge hook for me is conflict and I don't really see the point (in these type of stories at least )if a extremely internally conflicted character could just say whatever was on their mind. Jaeha being irrational, self critical and selfish due to his experiences is a great characterization of some very human aspects, that he isn't the typical MC that can power through their sufferings and stick closely to their moral compass. He is anything but that, someone who succumbs and prioritises himself more than anything. Human.

The eventual portrayal of his growth out from the safety that his rigid wiring of irrationality and selfishness gave him, is one form of his character development that I enjoy re-reading over and over. Imo Jaeha is a well written character and it rubs me the wrong way that a lot of people will drop it without giving him a chance.

Yes this had to be this lengthy and to anyone who gave this story and my obnoxious essay a chance, happy reading and sit tight because it's one hell of a emotional rollercoaster :)

    MuQing'sBroom November 29, 2023 7:39 pm

    Still if plots with a lot of miscommunication is not something you have a tolerance for just don't read it because you'll be torturing yourself. Even I struggle re-reading certain parts because I get extremely frustrated ┐(´ー`)┌

    octosis January 1, 2024 3:16 am

    I agree with everything in this comment so much. And lets not forget that Eunho isn't a saint either, and that his happiness is his own responsibility as well, not just Jaeha's.
    To me both of them are flawed and incredibly frustrating but also lovable and human. I think the portrayal of Jaeha's feelings of guilt and shame in contrast to his desires was written really well too. One thing that also strikes me when reading this story is how neither Joon nor Sunhye hate Jaeha for hurting them, and are understandably concerned for him. Which I think speaks for his character.
    In the end it was a really well written story.