Lmaooooo some explaination?

Stealer97#2 November 29, 2023 6:02 pm

Somebody PLEAAAAASE CORRECT ME if I’m wrong cause I’m just as confused as some of y’all are, BUT I’m pretty sure our seme is Black (the black hooded internet figure on the server that Lrot logs into on certain days) as well as VX (the guy who Lrot worked under). Ssssoooo basically our seme is interacting with Lrot(uke) with THREE WHOLE DIFFERENT IDENTITIES *surprised Pikachu face*

Our seme’s identities are Potential Boyfriend, Black, and VX.

So what I’m understanding is that Lrot was trying to hack and destroy the corrupt company C waaaaayyy back when he was still working with VX and the group. However, while Lrot was trying to get information in Company C, he got his information from an unknown broker. This unknown broker gave Lrot information on Company C, BUT the broker also gave Company C information on Lrot. In turn, while Lrot was trying to get rid of Company C, Company C was also trying to get rid of Lrot with the fire incident. The fire incident forced Lrot to go undercover and hide because he was in a dangerous position. That’s why Lrot left the group and VX along with it. Lrot was going into hiding. Flash to present, Lrot is working on his IP Address/location erasing program to protect VX as well as find the broker who backstabbed him. VX, our seme, finds out Lrot’s identity and wants to know why he left the group. However, he can’t approach Lrot in person and make Lrot admit that he is indeed LROT. Sssoooooo VX goes online and meets Lrot as “Black” (the hooded black figure on the web). This is so that VX can ask Lrot questions without making himself known as VX. Cause we all know Lrot would run away again if he knew he was talking with VX. SO! VX asks why Lrot left using his other persona: “Black.” As time goes on VX learns more about the real reason as to why Lrot left: It was because of the backstabbing broker who Lrot talked to when he was dealing with corrupt Company C. All this to say, VX is trying to work with Lrot as the internet persona Black, to get revenge on the information broker and get Lrot to return back to the team. And the bonus would be having Lrot become his boyfriend as well

Hoped this helped clear some confusion. Comment with more information if you can explain more

    salvx November 30, 2023 1:08 am

    So, for clarification:

    First off Company C or whatever is not important, like at all, what’s important is the broker, B. It could have been any one of his usual targets, the one in Hong Kong just happened to be the most convenient because their systems are closed, which forced Lrot to actually have to go in person rather than just working from some other place.

    Second, Lrot didn’t leave the group because he was in a dangerous position or anything. He’s absolutely capable of making a new identity for himself and just getting away from those hired thugs means he wins. This will be elaborated upon later in the story (and actually they did cover it a little in earlier chapters) but the reason Lrot left ZETA was because he didn’t allow himself the possibility of not doing well. Even though he technically completed that last job from B, that everything that happened after was a sign of complete failure in his eyes. He let his guard down and fucking got tricked by a guy who’s nowhere near as good as him. How could he have the face to stand next to VX?

    Which brings me to the third point: he totally DID NOT leave to “protect” VX, he left because because he was ashamed he let things happen like that and terrified of the possibility that VX might be ashamed of him. That’s also why he makes SN3AK3RS (idk why they used a different name from the novel), because essentially he’s a little bit of a coward and is scared of actually talking to VX after what happened.

    And from here is a bit of a spoiler, but Seo Yiyeon/VX has been searching for Lrot since basically the second he disappeared (well, a little bit after that but since they were only separated a year I’d say he moped around for at max a month). Going in person was because he was desperate, staying around was because he had a hunch that later turned out to be correct. His end goal was always to get as close to Lrot as possible (make no mistake btw he was first to realize his feelings while they were apart). However, getting to know Jin Kang in person was 1000% Not Enough, they’re crackers after all! Talking with Jin Kang as Seo Yiyeon is nice and all but they had a deeper connection as Lrot and VX. He desperately wants to talk to Lrot, but if he does so as VX, then Lrot will just run away again. So that’s where Black comes in: as a way to one, sound out info (most important being why did you leave me do you hate me) and two, to just. get back that feeling of talking with Lrot the cracker