I totally feel you. I'm gonna hold on and just erase the sexual assault from my memory because it does NOT server any purpose at all, but I'm still interested in the characters. I agree that it does feel cheap and it's strange that author would wait until season2 to include something like this. I'm hoping there will be horrible regret and self-hate from Whats-his-face-rapist, but only time will tell ┗( T﹏T )┛

Dude, Jin has a record of kills. He's in a gang and sells drugs. If you want to bring morality in this story SA is the least of your problems. Matthew is high on drugs and is hallucinating, how do you expect him to act?
And you really wanna bring fetishizing gay guys? Really? In the world of BL? You're read about a story that fetishizes gay dudes since ch1.

Sooo just like how it's okay for a main characters to sell drugs? Like it's okay for someone from a gang to lure in and have sex with someone from college? Like how Matthew beat those guards to close death because he wanted to see Jin? You can find this setting/trope normalized anywhere in BL dude. There's literally no difference from me going to sell drugs and try to have sex with a college student if I kust tead the story then if you wanna apply your way of logic.
If you're reading, you should be able to at least separate reality from fiction. The mature rating is there for a reason. If you can't consume fiction without it affecting your morals, then you shouldn't even be consuming it in the first place.

It should but it doesn't to people, you ever think morals and stuff exist for a reason, and people were OK with Matthew being raped by a women why? Cause it was a women, fetishism, doesn't make it right ewp wince it had drugs in this system if a girl were to claim as Matthew people then would have Sympathy

No it’s not; they’re talking about the overarching problem in the community which is the abundance of unnecessary extremely graphic rape scenes that serve no purpose. This is not only in terms of this SINGLE webtoon but many, way too many mangas. You’re trying to be funny and trying to make their point in regards to this manga alone and that shit is dead weird because you know what they’re talking about. What is so wrong with advocating against it? You are so desensitized to rape in media that you’re willing to just see it as a common trope when it shouldn’t be when it serves absolutely nothing to the plot and is only used as straight porn. Like??? You don’t see how crazy it is they so many have rape in their plots

Again, just cause rape is a common trope (lately), doesn't diminish other crimes that are used in the story just for the sake of "plot." If you're trying to argue rape being commonly used, the same can be said about other crimes that are used with no consequence yet literally 0 people complain them.
Complaining about why rape is in media is equivalent to why murder, crime, unnecessary violence is in media. We see these tropes normalized DAILY.
And no, I don't see it an issue of rape being used as a device in FICTION. I know right from wrong. I'm old enough to know that rape doesn't depict to reality. I treat it as senseless porn. If the rape portion in the story is too much, I skip it, move on. The author has free reign to draw whatever they want, and just cause they draw it, doesn't mean they support it.
Also what are you even trying to say here ??? with comparing woman rape to men rape. The chapter isn't even out yet. How do you get the message that this author is degrading men being raped compared to woman from those chapters cause last I checked, there was no mention of any woman in Korean. You just said above that readers can tell right from wrong so stop pushing a narrative that was never there in the first place.
I swear this website is the only place you get shamed for not wanting to read extended rape scenes lol y’all are not okay. ‘It’s a dark story’ okay?? Why is it only in this genre that assault is a necessity to relay ‘darkness’. It’s cheap fetishist trash and y’all need to stop pretending it’s good writing when you’re really just looking for a way to excuse the content. Anyways, dropping. Thought this would be better/ more compelling but welp.