That's because I AM ...

Taphel December 11, 2016 2:45 am
That's because I AM absolutely righteous.

...And if Kei is her father remember, I called it from the moment she mentioned having no father (as I'm sure a lot of you did).

    Mikki December 11, 2016 3:13 am

    Ahhh, I hope that's true. Id rather take that over her being one of his victims. Not just because that's sad but because that's just gonna create more angst and Yui would probably be mad at him thinking he was special. And that's gonna be funny cuz it's like, he's fuckin her dad. :') lmao, and if it is true, they both have same taste. hahahaa

    Taphel December 11, 2016 12:45 pm

    I don't really mind that much either way, though her being a victim would probably be better in my eyes because it's less stereotypical and predictive. That's how you gain high marks in my book. I trust Harada to make a good story though.
    Nice point though, I was kinda meh to that idea before but that's a very good point :)