
Thank you soldier for going through the trenches and regaling us with the tales. But on a serious note, this plot is quite something but it does match the vibe of the original (high af). Something that surprised me is Vasily calling Yoon out as being the reason why they dont go on dates I love that he is a ML who actually makes an effort but the whole amnesia plot was pure crack jfc
Spoiler alert, if u don't wanna just don't expand the post. ps it's gonna be long, I always post long ones anyways
This is novel spoiler only. The raw manhwa is not complete yet so might change
It's a amnesia trope.
Yoon went to a bank and the bank have a robbery. Vasya rescued him but was wounded in his head, which resulted to his amnesia. Vasya only remembers that he is 18years old.
He didn't believe his subordinates when they told him that Yoon is his lover and was repulsed to the idea as he said Yoon isn't his type so he ordered Sergei (one of his subordinates, he appeared in mayday the one who almost took yoon's cousin's pp) to offer Yoon 10k dollars in exchange for break up. Yoon got mad so he collected all of the items vasya gave him, then the USB was stolen by Chris's co-worker. So Yoon went and retrieved it and was beaten up.
Anyways Yoon returns the USB to Vasya and when he went there, there was a chic Blondie making out with vasya, so Yoon got this disgusted face and just returned the USB, vasya saw him beaten up was concern and mad tho he didn't know why and ordered to get it check to a doctor but Yoon refused and just flee via boat, vasya still thinking about Yoon and his subordinate told him that Yoon isn't a lil child.
So Yoon got depressed with what happened to his relationship and was visited by his cop friend Chris. Chris then suggest to break up as it is a perfect opportunity since Vasya won't threaten not stop the break up plus he gets the 10k dollars too. Yoon then contemplates then he recalls his relationship with vasya, they're been dating for a year now but only have seen each other for like a span of 1 month in total and when they see each other it's only sex. They never have any dating activity like going to a movie or eat out, vasya made Yoon be banned to all gay bars by destroying the bars Yoon go to so Yoon have less freedom and mostly just stay in his house. So Yoon then agrees to the idea.
18 year old vasya can't stop thinking about Yoon that when he was informed that Yoon was gonna meet with him he went for a swim in a pool to have a excuse to flaunt his body when Yoon arrives (18 year old vasya is tsundere) he also asked Natalia( she's a chef) what Yoon likes to eat but we'll Natalia doesn't know too, only know this one soup that Yoon eats when they are done doing sex, so vasya asked Natalia to make that.
Yoon arrives and brought up a contract for their break up, it just states that Yoon received the 10k dollars and has agreed to Vasya's condition to break up.
Well vasya was angry but can't despute cause he was the one who initiated it, added to that Yoon forced Sergei and Nikolai to also sign as witness. After the break up Yoon left and his mother called.
Yoon found out that his mother was looking for him in years, Yoon hated his parents since they were just bystanders when he got raped by his cousin and didn't stood up for him, but his mother actually got mad and cut ties to the family then went to look for his son for years. She even went to New York and handed flyers to random people hoping to find her son. So Yoon found out that his parents actually cares for him and they had a talk in the phone, Yoon then wants to meet his parents so he booked a flight to Korea.
But Vasya ambushed him in the Korean airport, so he thought Yoon was running away after the break up and he dragged Yoon to his private plane and they did a sex there. After that Vasya wants to date Yoon again, but Yoon said they already broke up and brought up the contract. Vasya found a loop hole in the contract tho. And it made the contract invalid, which made Yoon devastated since he risked his life to make Vasya sign it. So Yoon then told vasya that pretty much their relationship was more close to a sex friends than boyfriends since he doesn't meet vasya that often and they never went out on dates. So 18 year old vasya invited him on a date.
Which well failed, cause vasya was actually quick tempered, he beat a biker, the theater they were in got gun raided which vasya also beat him near death and Yoon was thinking about the old vasya while watching the movie which the 18 year old vasya found offended and was jealous. any ways they got in a fight. Also Yoon found out that Vasya plans to relocate since his business in Miami wasn't doing well anymore, Yoon then thought that their relationship really won't work out
Vasya then got tiny bits of memories back, which was how Yoon saved him and choose him over Kay. But he got jealous since the one Yoon saved was the old vasya not him, he got anxious thinking that if he recall all his memories his 18 year old self won't exist anymore, so he went to Yoon's house and found Yoon sleeping there Yoon woke up and they had sex Yoon realize Vasya is anxious so he comforts him by saying "Vasily" instead of "vasha"(which is the name vasha wants to hear since vasha pertains to his old self)
and did things he didn't do with the old vasha. Vasily then kept asking Yoon to get married with him during sex which Yoon just ignore, but Vasily won't make him cum unless he agrees so Yoon agreed. (Thinking he can just divorce)
Anyways Vasily went back to his office after their sex and proudly told Natalia that he is getting married to Yoon, and ordered Natalia to make plan for his wedding. Natalia got shocked that Yoon agreed. Vasily got his memories back and he immediately got mad that his subordinates just let his 18 year old self manage his business and got mad at Yoon for taking advantage of his amnesia to break up and even attempt to run away to korea.
So he went to Yoon, and both of them had a fight. Yoon told vasya that their relationship is more of a sex friend, no one knows what they like or their favorite, they don't do anything other than sex and they don't see each other that much. Vasha then told Yoon that it was Yoon who wants it that way, Yoon doesn't like dates or movies, he is secretive and when vasya makes time to go to Yoon, Yoon goes straight up sexs, Yoon's house only contains items for 1 person only despite it being actually both their house (they were living together, but Vasya rarely comes home due to work). Like their bed can only fit 1 person or their sofa only fits 1 person. Yoon realize that he was the problem and that Vasya actually made efforts but he just took them for granted, like vasya invites him but he just refuse and that Vasya makes time for him it's just that Vasya's job is just difficult.
Soo Yoon got guilty and ran away and it rained heavy so Yoon "punished" himself by walking in the rain for hours. When he finally got home vasya was waiting for him there, they had a talk about their relationship and also lead to sex which vasya overdid that lead Yoon get sick and the rain gave him pneumonia.
Anyways the misunderstanding then was solved and Yoon tries to be less afraid of vasya and more open to him. Yoon's parents visit him in Miami in which Yoon was suprise cause vasya also meet them in the airport despite Yoon picking a date that Vasya won't be in Miami.
So vasya and Yoon met yoon's parents and Yoon was surprised his mother is fluent in English, it turns out that she stayed in New York for a long time to look for her son and eventually she learned English. So her mother didn't have a hard time commucating with vasya, later Yoon's dad asked if vasya is yoon's boyfriend, they vasya replied
"nope, were engaged"
Which shocked both Yoon and his parents and Yoon was like "engaged!? When?" Then vasya was like "what? do you want me to tell your parents how I proposed?"
Then Yoon recalled the sex in which vasha asked him for marriage and quickly said he remembered that Vasya is his fiance.
Well Yoon's mother was actually happy that Yoon has found a partner. Vasya had to leave early since Natalia called about work. so Yoon was left to talk to his parents and he found out that His cousin got addicted to gambling and threatened his mother to give him 200mil won in exchange for yoon's wearabouts, His mother got furious since it was the cousin's fault that her son run away, yoon's mother paid to get her's son's phone number (that why she was able to contact Yoon)
Yoon got mad at his cousin cause he had the audacity to asked money to yoon's mother when he was the one who raped him. he got closer to his parents after their talk and they toured Miami the next day.
Yoon's parents departure date came and vasya with Yoon took them to airport.
Yoon's father told Yoon and vasya to call him for the wedding when they decide the date for it. Yoon was shocked he was like they won't be a wedding. Yoon thought that him and vasya will only sign the marriage paper and that's it.
Yoon's mother was like having a wedding is more nicer and she wants to go too. Then vasya was like "honey, we will have a wedding and it's gonna be flashy"
After meeting yoon's parents. Yoon also would like to meet Vasya's family since they are getting married.
But unfortunately vasha's parents have already passed away due to a fire, he only lived because his cowardly brother took him away from the burning house. The only survivor in the tragedy was him and his brother, so Yoon told vasha he wants to meet vasha's brother.
Vasha was reluctant since his brother isn't really a good brother despite him saving vasha, but he agreed since he is marrying Yoon and Yoon should know his remaining family
So they met him but the meeting was bad. The brother is a drug addict and was in a rehab, and he kept cussing out vasya cause vasya won't let him take drugs and sent him to rehab. so despite vasya not wanting Yoon to see that side of Vasya's life, but since they are getting married he thought Yoon show know.
Yoon realize that everytime vasha would visit his brother, he is always alone receiving those harsh words and curses from the same person who saved him. No one having to lean on to so Yoon then told vasya that he wants to go with vasya next time vasya visits his brother, so that Vasya isn't alone when he hears all the cussing and have someone to lean on to.
The novel has 4 volumes. 2 volumes for mayday and 2 volumes for pay day, The one I wrote is the entire Volume 3, I can't find volume 4 yet and idk if it's actually release so Hope they Include it in the manhua
I wanna see the marriage